Wine and Health

How does wine affect human health? Although there are many opinions about this issue, some basic views can be said that everyone is the same. Li Shizhen, an ancient Chinese medical scientist, also mentioned in the Compendium of Materia Medica that alcohol is related to health and quantity of alcohol. He said: “The wine of the face song, drink less and be bloody, protect the cold, and Zhuangfu is intoxicated, and if drunk is indifferent, the drunk is considered to be a regular person, and if he is drunk, he will lose his life, and the victim will lose his commandment.” Modern scientific research proves that this assertion makes sense.
Drinking too little and getting less sick so-called less drink is the amount of drinking should not harm the principle of health. Many scientists have conducted a large number of investigations and research, based on various pathological test data, proposed a safe drinking amount. For a person weighing 60 kilograms, the maximum safe amount of ethanol is 60 grams, equivalent to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. However, it cannot be said that individual differences should be taken into consideration. The amount of daily intake of alcohol should be limited to 45 grams or less. Exceeding this amount of intake "swallowing" will increase the rate of damage to the liver and cause chronic alcoholism, resulting in multiple neuritis, cardiomyopathy, brain lesions, and hematopoietic dysfunction. After the violation of the nervous system, the inhibition process of the central nervous system is weakened and the function of the cerebral cortex is disordered. Over time, mental and memory declines, judgments decline, and sometimes delusions and other psychotic symptoms occur. At the same time, loss of appetite, inadequate intake of protein and vitamins, resulting in malnutrition. In patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, hypoglycaemia may occur after heavy drinking, and even cases of death from coma may occur.
In recent years, medical scientists have confirmed that large amounts of alcohol can damage bone tissue. The harm caused by heavy drinking is serious and must be vigilant.
It is not advisable to drink by hypnosis. In the past, the author used the habit of drinking and hypnosis, crawled on the plaid to work at night, and was often unable to sleep in insomnia. Therefore, when the pen was put in his hand, a glass of wine sipped and sipped, two glasses of wine fell, and they fell asleep on the bed. Over time, the wine is used as a hypnotic agent.
Recently, because of the hospitalization of relapses of old diseases, the pain of drinking insomnia cannot be tolerated. One day, when doctors heard about my habit of borrowing wine and hypnosis, they told me about the dangers of drinking and hypnosis. Practice has proved that the EEG after drinking is different from normal sleep. After drinking for a while, the brain activity becomes more active than usual. Therefore, although the drink can make people anesthetize and sleep, but from the EEG activity situation, drink after sleep and normal sleep are essentially different. It is difficult to achieve the goal of relieving fatigue and promoting the rest of the body's tissues and organs.
The doctor's words are correct. In real life, I also have this experience, that is, even after sleeping for a long time after drinking alcohol, I still feel dizzy, headache, general weakness, and other uncomfortable feelings after waking up. feel.
The doctor told me that: long-term hypnosis with alcohol will increase the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain, causing brain degeneration, atrophy and other changes. Others occasionally produce alcoholic psychosis, numbness in hands and feet, and multiple neuritis. Therefore, from a health point of view, hypnosis using wine is not advisable.
Older people have a lot of alcohol to pay attention to the things in the cup. Some scholars have made statistics. Among retired senior citizens, about 10% have drinking habits. So, is drinking beneficial or harmful to the health of older people? What kind of wine do the elderly drink?
According to reports, many people in Germany have a habit of drinking a small amount of alcohol every day. If the elderly drink large amounts of alcoholic alcohol for a long period of time, it can inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, weaken the activity of pepsin, and seriously affect the elderly's digestive function and nutrient absorption. Some scholars also believe that: long-term consumption of strong alcohol, can promote cholesterol synthesis in the liver, easily lead to increased blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, resulting in coronary heart disease and cerebral vascular sclerosis. Therefore, drinking hard alcohol is harmful to the physical and mental health of the elderly.
In order to benefit the health of the elderly, in addition to drinking a small amount of beer, wine and other low-alcohol wines, it is also good to drink some quality Shaoxing rice wine. However, they must be able to drink according to their ability to withstand physical conditions. At the same time, in the winter, Chinese herbalists are required to make prescriptions to soak liquors and make up wine, which is also a healthy way of eating and drinking for the elderly.