During the tomato growth, the germination stage requires higher temperature and humidity. During the planting process, dress the seeds with 500 times solution of the new high-fat film, and spray the new high-fat film on the ground to repel underground dise
Color enhancement after harvest For fruits with poor natural coloration, they can be artificially enhanced. Method: Choose a dry, flat and ventilated place, spread 3 cm thick fine sand or grass, put the top of the fruit up and the stalk down, and lay a sin
The sowing period depends on the age of the seedlings and the planting period. Cucumber seeds are sown 5-7 days earlier than pumpkin seeds. About 15 days after cucumber sowing, the cotyledons of cucumber seedlings turn from yellow to green and fully expand
In the spring corn selection period, corn growers have been arguing whether red or white corn is better and which yield is higher. In fact, the white axis and red axis of maize are determined by the maize genes, and have little to do with the yield of mai
Carrots are suitable for cultivation in moist, deep soil layers and well-drained soils. They are usually sown from late August to mid-September, and the harvest period is from November to December. When sowing, first pour water or manure, then sow and cov
The liquid wax is prepared with 6 parts rosin, 2 parts animal oil, 2 parts *** essence, and 1 part turpentine oil. First heat up the rosin and animal oil at the same time, stir well and then remove from the heat to reduce the temperature, then slowly add t