Black fungus unlocks the key to body stones

Black fungus has dissolving and decanting effects on indigestible hair, chaff, wood residue, sand, and metal that are inadvertently eaten. In order to prevent and treat various foreign body caused by gastrointestinal discomfort or illness may wish to eat some black fungus, especially in the barber, mining, dust, sawn, repair, road protection and other operations personnel should often eat black fungus.

Black fungus also has a significant role in the elimination of endogenous foreign bodies such as gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones, and fecal stones. Black fungus contains fermentation and plant alkaloids, which promotes the secretion of various glands of the digestive tract and urinary tract, and cooperates with these secretions to catalyze the formation of stones, smooth the channels, and excrete the stones. At the same time, black fungus also contains a variety of minerals, can produce a strong chemical reaction to a variety of stones, exfoliation, differentiation, eroding stones, so that the stone is reduced and discharged. For initial stones, keep eating 1- 2 times of black fungus every day. Symptoms such as pain, vomiting and vomiting can be relieved within 2 to 4 days. Stones can disappear in about 10 days. For larger and more solid stones, the effect is better. Poor, but if you eat black fungus for a long time, you can make some people's stones become smaller and smaller and get rid of the body. Eat black fungus, but also prevent the occurrence of thrombosis.