Green shell chicken breeding advantages and benefits analysis

Breeding advantages: Green shell layer chicken temperament, hi group, strong disease resistance, can be raised throughout the country. The chicken has fast growth, excellent meat quality, high yield, high grain-saving, and high-efficiency. It can raise up to 1 kilogram in 70 days out of shell and only needs feed cost of 5.76 yuan (the grain production area is even lower). The high-yield green shell layer chicken breeds successfully selected by Zhaobao Farming for more than 180 years have an annual production capacity of over 180 eggs, which greatly increases the egg production rate compared to pure breeds. The green shell egg rate can reach more than 85% under normal feeding conditions. The economic benefits have improved significantly. Adult cocks weigh 1.5-2 kg and hens 1.2-1.5 kg. Feeding more than 5 months can be opened, fertility rate, hatching rate, survival rate of up to 85% -95%.

Benefit Prediction: Under good husbandry and management, 50 groups (1 and 5 mothers per group) are raised, and 45,000 eggs are produced each year. At present, each commercial egg costs 2-3 yuan, and at least 65,000 yuan can be profited. If breeding chickens, the most conservative breeds about 20,000, each calculated at 30 yuan for ordinary chickens. The annual output value can reach 480,000 yuan. After deducting all costs, at least 250,000 yuan can also be profited. The benefit is to raise pigs. 10-20 times that of ordinary farming.

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