The health care value of onions

Onions, also known as onions, shallots, onions, native to southwest Asia, have been used as vegetables for five thousand years. In Europe and America, onions are known as "vegetable queens." For Westerners, it is “not seeing onions in a day and it’s a bad mood all day.”

With the in-depth study of medical science, it has been confirmed that onion has high medical value and health care. In a British medical report in recent years, it was declared that eating one onion every day would ensure good health. According to scientific measurements, each onion shall contain 40 mg of calcium, 50 mg of phosphorus, 1,8 mg of iron, and 8 mg of vitamin C. It also contains carotene, vitamin B1 and nicotinic acid. Onion contains almost no fat, but contains prostaglandin A, dilute propyl disulfide and sulfur amino acids and other ingredients. Among them, prostaglandin A is a strong vasodilator, which can reduce the resistance of human peripheral blood vessels and cardiac coronary arteries against the vasopressor substances such as catecholamines in the body, and can promote the excretion of sodium salts and other substances that cause elevated blood pressure. Therefore, it has the effect of reducing blood and preventing thrombosis. Diallyl disulfide and sulfur amino acids and other substances have anti-vascular sclerotherapy and reduce blood lipids and strange functions. The study found that patients with hyperlipidemia had a marked decrease in cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein levels after onion for a period of time. and so. The famous Japanese medical professor believes that regular onion can stabilize blood pressure and reduce blood vessel fragility for a long time. It has a good protective effect on human arterial blood vessels.

Onions not only have health effects on middle-aged and elderly people with multiple cardiovascular diseases, but also can be used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and renal edema. This is because the onion contains organic substances similar to the hypoglycemic agent sulfasamide, and it can generate quercetin with potent diuretic effect in vivo.

Modern medical research shows that onions contain trace elements selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant that stimulates the body to produce large amounts of glutathione. The main physiological function of glutathione is to scavenge free radicals. When the concentration of this substance increases, the incidence of cancer will decrease. So onions are also anticancer medicinal foods.