Ten Diet Principles for Prevention of Gallstones

In general, gallstones are associated with an increase in cholesterol, or a decrease in total cholic acid storage. The formation of gallstones is mainly due to the inability of cholesterol to remain micro-thick, allowing bile to gradually crystallize into granular crystals. Therefore, attention to the following principles in the diet can avoid the occurrence of gallstones.
1. Ingest high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits.
2. Limit cholesterol intake, absolutely do not eat cholesterol-rich foods such as visceral egg yolk.
3 more vitamin K, such as: spinach, cauliflower, etc. are rich in content.
4. Fasting gas-producing foods such as: potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, onions, radishes, soda drinks, and acidic juices, coffee, cocoa, etc.
5. Milk is limited to skimmed milk.
6. Eat more yellow-green vegetables rich in vitamin A.
7. Cooking food less fry, fry, more stew steaming way.
8. Fasting stocks with high fat content and Mayo.
9. The taste is as light as possible, seasoning should be temperate.
10. Avoid processed foods and high-sugar foods.