How to reduce the nitrate content of vegetables

Nitrate has been shown to be reduced to nitrite by microorganisms both inside and outside the animal's body. It indirectly binds with secondary amines to form strong carcinogen nitrosamines. Of the more than 120 nitrosamines that have been discovered, 75% can cause cancer in animals. Of the nitrates ingested by the human body, 81.2% comes from vegetables. Therefore, studying and controlling the accumulation of nitrate in vegetables is of great significance for the protection of human health. According to the agrobiological classification of vegetables, the degree of cumulative nitrates was: root vegetables, yams, leafy vegetables, onion, garlic, legumes, melons, solanaceous vegetables, perennial vegetables, and mushrooms. . Fertilization technology has the greatest impact on nitrate accumulation. Delaying harvesting can reduce the nitrate content in vegetables. If nitrogen fertilizer is applied at maturity, the nitrate content in vegetables will increase. With the application of greenhouses, plastic greenhouses, plastic membranes and other equipment, if improper fertilization, it will increase the accumulation of nitrate in vegetables. Physical and chemical properties of soil, vegetation cover conditions, etc., all affect the degree of nitrate pollution. The clay loam soil accumulated more, and the sandy loam soil accumulated less; the soil temperature decreased, the nitrification inhibited, and the accumulation increased; the soil acidity and alkalinity were higher, the accumulation of nitrate was relatively less; the soil with better vegetation, nitrate content was relatively increased. How can I control nitrate contamination of vegetables? The first is scientific fertilization. Ammonium nitrate and other nitrate nitrogen fertilizers are generally not suitable for vegetables, especially cabbages, vegetables, spinach and other leafy vegetables. At present, many countries have stipulated that ammonium nitrate should not be used for leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables should not be sprayed with urea or ammonium sulfate and other nitrogen fertilizers to avoid nitrate contamination. Fertilizers or compound fertilizers should be added, and attention should be paid to the use of potash supplements and the use of trace fertilizers to reduce nitrate accumulation. The second is that the vegetables produced in the protected land should increase the number and time of lifting sheds, uncovering sheds and windows in an appropriate manner without affecting the humidity, so as to increase the light intensity, facilitate the assimilation of nitrates in vegetables, and reduce the nitrate content. The third is the selection of vegetables with higher vitamin C content, such as tomatoes, peppers, and mushrooms. Because vitamin C can block or slow down the formation of nitrates, it inhibits the synthesis of nitrosamines. In addition, the dietary habits of using leafy vegetables and root vegetables as main non-staple foods should be gradually changed. Fourth, vegetables should be avoided during harvesting and transportation, and should not be piled up under high temperature for a long time. The vegetables that have decayed and deteriorated have significantly higher nitrite content and are unfit for human consumption. The fifth is to guide the farmers to not use industrial water to water the vegetables, and to extend the time for the vegetables to be topdressed to market. China Agricultural Network Editor

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