Hawthorn cultivation techniques

The cultivation value of hawthorn, also known as red fruit or mountain red, is a specialty fruit tree in China. The fruit is rich in nutrients, in particular, iron, calcium and other minerals and carotene, vitamin C content exceeds or greatly exceed apples, pears, peaches and citrus and other large fruits. In addition, vitamin B1, B2, and vitamin K levels are also quite abundant. Hawthorn medicinal value is very wide, it has scattered silt, consumer product, phlegm, detoxification, appetite, convergence and other effects, has been made Hawthorn pills, Jianpi pills, Baohe pills and other traditional Chinese medicines. According to modern medical evidence, hawthorn also has the effects of lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart, dilating blood vessels, and lowering cholesterol. In addition, hawthorn fruit contains an anti-cancer drug ingredient vitexin. Hawthorn fruit is small, sour, heavy, fresh sales are not widely. However, the fruit is rich in red pigments, pectin and other substances, and is particularly suitable for making various processed products. It is an important raw material for the food industry. Common processed products include hawthorn cake, fruit peel, hawthorn sauce, candied fruit, fruit tea, hawthorn wine, and candied fruit. In recent years, new products such as Hawthorn crystals and concentrated hawthorn juice have also been produced and have received favorable comments. In addition, candidone can be extracted from mountain branches and leaves to make advanced nutraceuticals and beverages. Hawthorn nucleus can be extracted from the hawthorn nucleus to form a plaster that can quickly and efficiently treat acute and soft tissue injuries. In terms of cultivation, hawthorn has the advantages of early fruiting (2 to 4 years after planting), long economic life (typically up to 56d0 years) and extensive management resistance. Can make full use of sand and barren hills to develop production. The main species and variety Hawthorn belong to the family Rosaceae. There are 2 to 3 species as fruit trees. Among them, the most widely cultivated species with the most varieties is the Dashan Shan variety, that is, the others that have been cultivated are the mountains of Hubei and the foothills of Yunnan. In addition, there are still a variety of small, wild fruit that can be used as rootstock. There are not many varieties of hawthorn, and the oldest producing areas such as Shandong, Hebei, and Liaoning have the most abundant resources, and most of them are late-maturing varieties. The main varieties are large Venus, exposure, Huaibei region has many introduction, performance early fruit high yield, fruit storage and transportation. Suqian, Jiangsu Province has iron ball varieties. It was imported from Shandong in the early years. Its flesh is fine and hard, with strong flavor. The fruit is bright red and resistant to hiding. It is most suitable for making hawthorn cakes. In addition, there are local fine varieties such as Henan North Red and Shanxi Fenkou (Luo County Hongguo). When introduced and cultivated, selection should be made according to the variety traits and uses. The area south of the Yangtze River is suitable for the cultivation of the Yunnan foothills. Growth Habits Hawthorn Hawthorn is a small deciduous tree or shrub with a generally small plant size, but it can grow into a large tree due to its long life. The apical dominance of the shoots is obvious, and the branches are strong, and the crowns are easy to dense. Juvenile tree is obvious, but during the growth process, the central stem tends to be skewed or disappear, and the canopy is skewed. Attention should be paid to the adjustment in shaping. After the fruit period, the branches droop and the tree poses open. Most of them are naturally semi-circular or round-shaped crowns. Late dormancy buds are easy to germinate, which is conducive to tree crown renewal and prolonged fruit period. Hawthorn's roots are well developed and prone to rooting, and should be removed except for propagation of seedlings. The branches that enter the result period will grow into flower buds as long as the growth is moderate and the development is substantial. The flower buds of the hawthorn are mixed buds, and the new shoots are first cultivated in the second year, and then the inflorescences are extracted from the shoots and their adjacent leafhoppers. As a result, new shoots do not form fruit tables. In the trees of the initial results, the mother and the branch with a length of 5 cm or more accounted for the majority. The result was a large number of fruits and they were reliable. Large trees in the fruit period generally have a short-term result of less than 5 cm. Results There are two situations after the flowering of shoots. One is at the top of the results, while the lower part of the lateral buds can still differentiate flower buds. In the following year, the results are continuous and generally sustainable for 2 to 5 years, depending on the species, tree vigor, and the degree of robustness of the mother tree. In the other case, after the top flowering result, the buds on its lower side only develop into leaf buds, and then the development branches are drawn the next year. Then flower buds are formed on the green branches and the results are again obtained in the third year. There are also intervals of 2 to 3 years before flower buds occur and then shoot again. In the cultivation, more types of the parental branches that can continuously form flower buds should be cultivated so as to achieve high yield and stable yield. Hawthorn has the characteristics of self-pollination, fertilization and parthenocarpy, but cross-pollination can significantly improve fruiting rate. Hawthorn is corymbs inflorescence, each flower usually has 15 to 30 flowers. Often show high inflorescence fruit rate and flower with low fruit rate. The single flowering rate is about 20%, and there is a big difference due to variety, tree age, and fruit placement. The outer circumference of the tree crown is usually higher than the inner dome. Each inflorescence generally bears 4 to 6 fruit. Hawthorn late flowering period, fruit growth period is longer, late-maturing varieties take 140 to 160 days. Cultivation techniques 1. Reproduction and planting a large number of breeding hawthorn seedlings grafting method. Rootstocks can be used with wild hawthorn or cultivars. Cultivated species often have degenerative kernels, only 25% to 30% of them have seed kernels, and the seeding rate should be increased. Due to the ossification of core and shell outside the kernels, it is difficult to ventilate and absorb water. Straws are collected by conventional methods and the germination rate after sowing is extremely low. Sometimes it takes 2 to 3 years after sowing to emerge. Therefore, it is necessary to produce seed layers in advance when the embryos are formed and the core shell is not hardened. Normally harvested seeds, treated with 100 parts per million (100 ppm) of gibberellic acid after shelling and then sanded, can also significantly increase the germination rate of secondary seeds. The seeding rate per thousand square meters, small seeds about 18 kilograms, large seeds need 37 kilograms to 45 kilograms. In addition, when breeding a small amount of rootstocks, natural root pods can also be used, or the root length of 0.5 cm to 1 cm thick canopy can be cut to a length of about 15 cm, and the roots can be planted in the spring, or the branches can be grafted on the roots after scioning. Cutting seedlings. Specific grafting techniques are similar to apples and pears. The new roots of Hawthorn occur earlier in the spring, and the seedlings in Huaibei area are suitable for autumn planting. The row spacing is 3m to 4m in the barren soil, and 4m to 5m in fertile soil and flat terrain. When planting, two to three varieties of branches should be mixed and planted to increase the fruiting rate. 2. Pruning the hawthorn tree that is left to grow by pruning, the large branches of the whole tree tend to be excessive, and the dense branchlets within the crown affect the yield and quality. According to the growth characteristics of hawthorn branches, it is possible to use the evacuation layered shape, the multi-rooted natural round shape or the natural open shape tree shape for shaping. The evacuated and layered tree structure is the same as that of the apple and can be referred to. The stems and leaves of Dendrobium nobilis are weak, and they are prone to partial dryness and declination. In plastic surgery, the shearing direction of clipping buds can be used or the extension branches of dry stems can be replaced to control and adjust. When the center stem is severely inclined and difficult to cultivate, it can also be adapted to its growing trend to remove the center stem and change into a naturally happy tree. The whole tree retains 3 to 4 main branches, and the base angle is 45 degrees to 50 degrees. Then the main branch is properly cultivated on each main branch to occupy space. When multi-root natural round head shaping is adopted, according to the natural growth of the branches, the main branches can be properly evacuated and arranged at an interval of about 30 centimeters, and stretched to the outside, and 6 to 7 main branches are cultivated in the whole tree. The Hawthorn tree in the full fruit period is mainly responsible for the successive retraction of the parental branches for several years, preventing the relocation of the resulting parts, stabilizing the yield, and maintaining good growth. In particular, branches that droop for many years should be heavier on the 3 to 5 year old shoots. When large-scale phenomena occur due to excessive results, it is necessary to eliminate too much of the parental branches of the Dainian tree, so that the ratio of the parent branch to the development branch is maintained at 2:1 or 1:1. It can also be cut before the flowering stage to eliminate the inflorescence on some weak branches and promote flower bud differentiation. When the canopy closure is severe, firstly inflow or retraction of some large branches, and at the same time sparsely cutting off some developmental branches. 3, soil and fertilizer water management and other basal fertilizer master early autumn application, top dressing can be in the germination and leaf development, flowering and fruiting and fruit enlargement in several periods, according to the specific circumstances of the application. Spring topdressing and foliar spray of boron (with 0.5% boric acid solution) can significantly increase fruiting rate and promote shoot growth. For the Dainian Tree, the top-dressing (from August to September) should be strengthened to promote flower bud differentiation. In case of drought caused by draught, irrigation or loose soil should be used to reduce the drought. In the production, there will be serious phenomenon of falling flowers and falling fruit on the hawthorn, which will affect the output. The reasons include the weakening of the tree, poor pollination and fertilization, soil drought, and insufficient light, etc., and corresponding measures must be taken in response to different situations. For the fruit drop or flowering caused by poor pollination and fertilization, it is not real-time, and a 50 ppm (50 ppm) gibberellin solution can be sprayed from the initial flowering stage to the full flowering stage. The focus is on the flower clusters, which can increase the fruiting rate. 1 to 2 times more, and make the fruit colored and matured in advance. Major pests and diseases and their control Hawthorn disease generally do not occur. Sometimes flower rot and powdery mildew occur. Flower rot damages the leaves, the new consumer and the fruit and fruit, can be sprayed on the basis of the clear garden before the budding 5 degrees lime sulfur, after the leaf is sprayed Baume 0.4 degree stone flow mixture or 700 times 50 % Thiophanate Pharmacy, while also preventing powdery mildew. Insect pests mainly include scarabs and moths eating leaves or flower devices, fruit borer damages, and leaf sucking sap. They can be controlled by reference to the occurrence patterns of apples and pears. (6) Harvesting, storage and processing Hawthorn fruits have a faster weight gain in the later period and should not be harvested early so as not to affect fruit yield, quality and storage stability. From September to October, the skin color of the fruit is revealed, and fruit spots can be harvested when the fruit spot is obvious. About one week or so of normal harvesting period, spraying 40% ethephon to 600 ppm to 800 ppm (600 PPM to 800 PPP) solution concentration to focus on spraying fruit clusters can promote shedding and improve collection efficiency. . 4 to 5 days after spraying, it can be spread under the trees, and then shriveled branches harvesting, no adverse effects on fruit quality and storage. The concentration of the agent should not be too high, and the spraying period should not be too early. After the fruit is harvested, it should be piled in the air for a few days and covered with a straw curtain to allow it to dissipate heat, and then packaged, stored and transported. Stored hawthorn should be harvested with appropriate selection of resistant species. In the northern part of the country, a large number of cellars are used for storage, and they enter the cellar after the weather turns cold. When a small amount of people store in a container such as a water tank, the hawthorn is mixed with fine sand and then sealed, and the humidity is maintained. Store the container in a cool place and keep the temperature low. During the storage period, 1 to 2 inspections were performed to remove brown and rotten fruits. Hawthorn's processed products are many. Hawthorn cake production method is simple and easy to grasp. Take the fresh hawthorn fruit, remove the stems and bracts, rinse with clean water, set the pot to soften, remove the seeds, and then mash the resulting mud. At the same time with sugar into 60% of sugar, clarified, filter net, boiled, while hot pour into the puree, stir, pour into the prepared plate, after cooling and congealed into a block, that is, hawthorn cake.

Tribulus terrestris powder is derived from Tribulus fruit , also known as ci ji li in Chinese, is a flowering plant covered with spines and is widely distributed around the world and adapted to grow in dry climate locations. Owing to promoting health and enhancing the overall functionality of body, tribulus extract has long been used in Asia and Eastern Europe as a medicine, it is now primarily taken worldwide as a dietary supplement. Among other alleged benefits, tribulus extract is particularly lauded for boosting your libido and increasing energy levels, muscle size and strength. 

Tribulus Fruit Powder contains the flower and aerial parts of the plant and has many health benefits. First, tribulus fruit extract lowers both blood pressure and heart rate. Second, it has anti-hypertensive effects on both systolic and diastolic pressures. Third, in patients with high blood pressure,the tribulus can help lower cholesterol levels.Fourth,extract from tribulus terrestris can help protect against heart disorders.Fifth tribulus terrestris reduced symptoms of depression. Sixth, compounds in tribulus can help reduce diabetic effects. 

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