Autumn crop control measures

Thistle is the general name of the larvae of the turtle family. It is one of the farmland underground pests, especially in peanuts, sweet potato fields, and vegetable crop fields. It mainly consists of three kinds of dark hawksbill turtles, green terrapins, and brown hawksbills. Adults grow up overnight and feed the leaves, flowers and fruits of crops. The larvae feed on the seeds that germinate the crops and bite off the seedlings' rhizomes, resulting in the lack of seedlings and the ridges and roots and tubers of the late crops, forming holes. The wound is conducive to the invasion of pathogens, which can easily lead to disease. It has now entered the period of adult damage. It is now the hatching period of eggs, which is also a critical period for prevention and control. Control methods: 1. Adult stage control: (1) Soak semi-dried poplar twigs in 50-fold 40% omethoate or monocrotophos EC for 1 hour, intervene in the fields in the evening, and recover them in the early morning of the next day. Clear, 5-7 per mu, can be used 5 times in a row. (2) Use 40% omethoate EC or 80% dichlorvos EC 800--1000 times solution 40--50 kg per acre to spray in the evening. 2. Control of larvae: (1) Use 50% phoxim EC or 40% per acre. Methylisothiphos 1500--2000 times watering the field, 7--10 days once, continuous pouring 2 - 3 times. (2) In late July-August, use 48% of 48% Muscat, or 50% phoxim 250--300ml, and mix 40-50kg of fine soil before watering or before raining. Shi. China Agricultural Network Editor

Germination rate
More than 90%
Growth temperature
18 to 32 degrees
Cold resistant
Seeds quality
Germination percentage 
≥ 99.0%
≥ 90.0%

Cultivation points:

Best grow temperature:18 to 32 degrees
Sowing dosage:0.4kgs/667m2

Bitter Gourd Seeds

Bitter Gourd Seeds,Bitter Melon Seed,Clean Bitter Gourd Seed,Safe Bitter Gourd Seed,Healthy Bitter Gourd Seed

Ningxia Zhongqing Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. ,