Six common vegetable diet taboos

Vegetables are rich in nutrients, but if they are not eaten properly, they will not only absorb nutrients but may be harmful to health. 6 kinds of vegetable improper eating, please be sure to pay attention!

Eat tomatoes before meals

Eat tomatoes before meals, it is easy to increase stomach acid, consumers will have heartburn, abdominal pain and other symptoms. When eating tomatoes after a meal, the acidity in the stomach is reduced because stomach acid is already mixed with food, and these symptoms can be avoided.

Carrot juice, wine and drink

U.S. food experts have found that if carrot juice, rich in carotene, is taken in with alcohol, it can produce toxins in the liver and cause liver disease. Therefore, people are advised not to drink after drinking carrot juice, or to drink carrot juice after drinking alcohol.

Over-soaked mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in ergosterol, a substance that converts to vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. If soaked with water or over-washed, ergosterol and other nutrients will be lost.

Fried bean sprouts owed fire

The bean sprouts are tender and delicious and nutritious, but they must be fried when eating. Otherwise, since bean sprouts contain harmful substances such as trypsin inhibitor, it may cause adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness after eating.

Fried bitter gourd

Oxalic acid contained in bitter gourds can prevent the absorption of calcium in foods. Therefore, before frying the bitter gourd, the bitter gourd should be boiled in boiling water, and the oxalic acid should be removed before cooking.

Green leafy vegetables stored too long

Leftovers (especially green leafy vegetables such as leeks) can produce large amounts of nitrite for long periods of time. Even if the surface does not look bad and smells odorless, it can cause mild food poisoning, especially in frail and sensitive people. Therefore, the green leafy vegetables should neither be cooked for a long time nor be stored for a long time.

Respiratory disease is a common disease, frequently-occurring disease, the main lesion in the trachea, bronchi, lung and chest, lesions are more cough, chest pain, respiratory effects, severe breathing difficulties, hypoxia, and even respiratory failure and death. Due to air pollution, smoking and other factors, The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is increasing including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary diffuse interstitial fibrosis, and pulmonary infection the morbidity and mortality of the disease at home and abroad . Therefore, Anti-Respiratory disease drugs are also more and more attention paid by researchers. Respiratory disease have the symptoms of cough, sputum, hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms of lack of specificity, often clinicians mistaken by people for colds, bronchitis, and severe pneumonia, tuberculosis or lung cancer and other diseases delayed diagnosis; Respiratory tract infection, to be developed to emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, respiratory failure was taken seriously, but it was too late, its pathology and physiological function has been difficult to reverse. As with other systemic diseases, careful and detailed medical history and physical examination are the basis for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, and should be combined with routine laboratory tests and other special findings to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis. Currently the most clinical application of anti-respiratory disease drugs have the following four categories: 1. Antihistamines 2. Cough medicine 3. Bronchodilator 4. Expectorant 5. Anti-asthma Drugs.


Anti-asthma Drugs, Antitussives, Expectorants, β adrenergic receptor agonists, M Cholinergic Blockers, Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors, Anti-Respiratory Drugs,Respiratory System Diseases Treatment

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