Pre-slaughter feeding and management precautions

1 Keeping of slaughtered ostriches

After the ostrich arrives at the slaughterhouse. To be qualified by veterinary inspection, and then grouped in groups according to batch, weight and strength and other conditions. The amount of feed to broiler birds that are fattened is based on the principle that they can recover the losses that they suffer. For the feeding of thin ostriches, straight-line fattening or intensified fattening should be adopted so as to increase weight and length in the short term and improve meat quality. ?

2 rest before slaughter

When ostriches are transported, due to environmental changes and frightened and other external stimuli, the ostriches can easily become over-stretched, cause fatigue, and damage or inhibit normal physiological functions, resulting in accelerated blood circulation, increased body temperature, and expansion and congestion of blood vessels in muscle tissue. A large amount flows into muscle capillaries or into muscle tissue. This not only results in incomplete bloodletting during slaughter, but also increases muscle lactic acid due to muscle movement, accelerates the decay of meat after slaughter and affects the quality of the skin. Therefore, after being transported to the slaughterhouse, ostriches need to rest for more than 1d to restore fatigue and improve product quality.

3 fasting before slaughter

The ostriches should be fasted for 24 to 30 hours before slaughter. The purpose of fasting mainly includes:

(1) It is good for bloodletting and visceral washing. If a large amount of feed is fed before slaughter, the digestive and metabolic functions are vigorous, and the capillaries in the muscle tissue are filled with blood. When the slaughter, the bleeding is not complete, it is easy to cause the meat to be corrupted, but also because the internal organs are full of contents, and not slaughtered. Easy to clean and handle viscera.

(2) Prevent meat contamination. There are too many foods before slaughter, and the digestive tract is full of contents, and it is easy to pollute the meat, pollute the environment and be difficult to handle.

(3) Save money. Fasting before slaughter can save feed, reduce costs, reduce labor consumption, and save time and labor.

(4) Weakened ostriches struggled to keep ostriches quiet, facilitate slaughter and bloodletting, which ensured that ostriches were free from trauma before being slaughtered, as well as the safety of personnel. ?

4 supply sufficient water

Before the slaughter, the ostrich must break the water, but it should not be cut off. It should provide enough water to allow it to drink water freely to ensure the normal physiology of the ostrich to be slaughtered, regulate body temperature, promote excrement of feces, and complete bloodletting at slaughter to obtain high quality meat. . If ostriches have indigestion prior to slaughter, they should not be left untreated. An appropriate amount of laxative should be added to drinking water to help excretion. This is particularly important for ostriches. Normally, 2% mirabilite water is used to feed ostriches and promote defecation. However, it is worth noting that ostriches should be cut off water 4 hours before slaughter to prevent too much water in the gastrointestinal tract at slaughter and affect the treatment of internal organs.

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