Diseases and Control of Cultured Large Yellow Croaker

The disease and control of cultured large yellow croaker is the same as other cultured fish. With the expansion of the scale of cultivation and the prolongation of breeding years, the disease of large yellow croaker has become increasingly serious. If it is not solved in time, it will eventually become the development of the large yellow croaker farming industry. Constraints. For the disease of large yellow croaker, no systematic research has been conducted at present. In order to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the industrialization of large yellow croaker farming, the Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Commission and the Fisheries Department have included the disease prevention and control technologies in the key technology research plan for the industrialization of large yellow croaker, and are now organizing scientific and technological personnel to carry out scientific and technological research. Some of the more serious diseases encountered in the practice of large yellow croaker breeding and some corresponding control measures are briefly described. First, the diagnosis of primary yellow croaker disease diagnostic method is the first step in the prevention and treatment of fish diseases, only the correct diagnosis can cure the disease. The cause of plant disease caused by large yellow croaker is diverse, but in the final analysis, it is mainly determined by three factors: the invasion of pathogens, the health status of fish, and changes in the environment. To understand the pathogenesis of these factors. The main diagnosis and treatment procedures:
1. Observe body surface symptoms, take sputum, fins, body surface mucus; open the body cavity, observe visceral symptoms, and take the intestine, liver, etc., use a dissection microscope or low-lying microscope to check for parasites.
2. If parasites are not found, they will come back to understand the environmental conditions, fears and feeding conditions, and the situation of pesticide application. Analyze whether it belongs to a bacterial disease or cause environmental diseases and take corresponding measures.
3. When there is difficulty in the identification of the two pathogenic factors, a comprehensive approach can be used for prevention and control at the same time. Because the fish body often has primary and secondary cross-infections during the pathogenesis, environmental malignancy can also cause bacterial and other diseases.
4. At the same time as the above-mentioned on-site treatment, conditional re-sampling is conducted to perform laboratory tests and water quality analysis on diseased fish microbiology and pathology in order to confirm the diagnosis.
II. Prevention and control of common diseases of large yellow croaker (1) Parasitic diseases
1. Protozoal disease 1 stimulates secretive worm disease (white spot disease).
[pathogen] salt water small melon insects, the body was spherical or oval-shaped, similar to many small melon insects, size 0.066-0.450.034-0.36mm, the body covered with cilia, there are generally four rosary voltaic nucleus .
[Popularity] The water-sucking small melons mainly parasitize the larvae, skin, fins, etc. of marine fishes, and are popular in the coastal areas from mid-May to August each year. The suitable propagation temperature for the saltwater melons is 20-25°C. It depends on cysts and their larvae.
[Symptoms] First, a large number of small white spots appear on the body surface. In severe cases, the fish body is covered with a white film. Due to the destruction of the body, it can cause severe bacterial infections, resulting in inflammation, necrosis of the epidermis, and easy scaling of the fins. When rotting, splitting, and parasitizing, destroying the sepals and infecting bacteria can cause rotting. When the body of the fish invades the cornea of ​​the fish, it can cause irritation and phlegm. The diseased fish loses appetite, body weight, and swimming disorders. Worm body can be judged by microscope.
[control methods] a, the density should not be too dense; b, with 0.4-1ppm malachite green soak the sick fish for 5-10 minutes, then soak the bath every other day; c, 60ppln formalin bath 15-20 minutes, The earthen pond was splashed with 20-30ppm Quanchipue. d. Insecticide was dubbed 50ppm with fresh water and dipped for 5 minutes.
2 Burkholderia disease [pathogen] The worm is a grouper of the genitalia and the oblique tube. The lateral view shows a dorsal bulge and a ventral surface. The worm's ventral view is oval or oval. The size is 45-8029- 53um, there is a round cell mouth in front of the abdomen. It can stretch. There are cilia on the anterior part of the body and on the anterior edge of the back. Behind the large nucleus there is a rosette like a hairy flower.
[Popularity] The disease is endemic on hot days and it mainly harms fry 20-50mm. Water temperature above 25 °C. In high-density flow culture and cage fish culture are more common, the incidence is fast, infection rate and mortality are high.
[Symptoms] The main parasitic in the fry of the fry, a large number of parasites when the gills are gray, sticky with a lot of dirt, off the table also when the parasitic formation of irregular white spots, pectoral fins extend vertically from the body, sick fish often float in Water surface, slow swimming, can be used to determine the risk of microscopy.
[Control methods] a, soak with fresh water + 20ppm furazolidone for 2-5 minutes. B. Use seawater +200ppm formalin to soak in bath for 20 minutes under aerobic conditions; or when the water is relatively slow, lift the netcloth to 0.5m depth and use formalin to dilute 50 times (seawater) directly. Spill in the cage, operate 20-25 minutes before and after. C. Bathing with seawater + 2ppm copper sulfate for 10-20 minutes (careful use of seedlings).
3 Trichoderma disease [pathogen] Trichomonas and Trichodons are ciliates of the order Trichodonta, Trichuris, Trichoderma and Trichostrongylus. A side view of a felt hat, the shape of a reverse dish resembles a round dish. When the worm body freely moves away from the host, it usually faces its front and rotates the wheel worm like a wheel to split it longitudinally and engage in reproduction.
[Epidemics] Trichodin parasites are found in the gills and body surface of fish. The main damage seedlings, usually occur throughout the year, suitable for the breeding water temperature of this insect is 20-28 °C, from the fish body off the wheel insects can live in the water 1 - 2 days can invade the new host.
[Symptoms] When there is a small amount of parasites, there are no obvious symptoms. When a serious infection occurs, the mucus in the parasite can increase, the fish can swim slowly, and breathing can be difficult. Generally, there are no special symptoms.
The parasitic body surface trichomonads are usually larger in size, with the most common trichomonas, trichoderma harzianum, trichoderma sinensis, and oriental trichodontes. The individual trichodontes parasitic on the calyx are smaller, being ovum worms. Tiny worms, ball worms, and eyebrow wheel worms, etc., seriously contaminated the fish species of the worm, the body extremely thin, dark black, and sometimes can see "white head and mouth" disease volt, some fish in groups Around the pool, wild swims showed symptoms of "race horses," and the whole body or most of them turned white.
[Prevention and treatment methods] a, dipping with copper sulfate for 30 minutes, b, using copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate mixture 0.7ppm (5:2) full box sprinkling or in accordance with the dose reduced by half splash for 2 days, c, forma Forest 200-250ppm soaked for 5 minutes, d, per ton of water with non-Bitter ash branches 45 grams of decoction full box spilled or buckwheat twigs tied into bundles hanging dry cage.
2, helminths disease 1 sea worm disease [pathogen] is a species of sea worms monogenic flukes, appearance like ring worms, size 0.6-0.830.08-0.17mm, which is characterized by advanced head gear, front end There are two pairs of square eye points, one each with an ovary and a testis, two pairs of central hooks, and seven hooks on the edge.
[Symptoms] The disease is a kind of seawater fish disease. The diseased fish body is thin, and the floating surface does not feed. When the fish is taken out of the water, the mouth and lid often open, the insects parasitize the fish, and the bracts appear bright red. Crawling on the cocoon causes damage, hemorrhage, and increased mucus secretion in the cockroach tissue and affects breathing. A cocoon has several, more than a dozen worms, can cause fish breathing difficulties and die, the diagnosis can be observed by microscopy.
[Control methods] a, fresh water with 1ppm trichlorfon bath for 5 minutes, or sea water with 10ppm trichlorfon bath for 10-20 minutes b, with 150-200ppm formalin seawater bath for 20-30 minutes, C, Bath with 0.2% sodium peroxy sodium pyrophosphate bath for 2 minutes: d, oral administration of some antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol 2 ‰.
2 Benedeniasis [pathogen] Benedenzi is a type of monogeneric parasite. The oval body is flat, white, and the difference in size is 0.5-3.6mm, visible to the naked eye. There is a suction cup on each side of the front end, and there is an oval suction cup on the rear end. The central three pairs of hooks on the rear suction cup are wider in front, the hooks are narrow and long, the hooks are straight, and the rear suction cup edge membrane structure is There are 11 pairs of underdeveloped edge hooks on the inside. The form is as shown in Figure 5.
[Popularity] Eggs can be laid at water temperatures of 13-29°C, spawning up to 50-250 eggs at a time, and larvae hatch at 5-6 days at 24°C. The peak period of the disease is from early September to late October. [Symptoms] The body, mouth, eye, body surface, fins, and tendons of the parasitic body of fish are white and transparent. The size is like sesame seeds. The masses call it " White sesame disease "and" termite disease "had a white spot-like pattern for a long time. The insect sucker is attached to the fish skin or under the scales and takes up fish body epithelial cells and blood cells. Cause fish body trauma, diseased fish body mucus secretion is too much, restless, continue to swim or rub the net wall, scales fall off, causing secondary infection, loss of appetite, fish weight loss and death.
The surface of dead fish is devastated. Drilling fluid increased, scales fell off, eyes were damaged, fins were incomplete, dark red, and fish were thin. A few minutes after the diseased fish is soaked in fresh water, the parasites can be seen off.
[Control methods] a, oral administration of erythromycin 2 to 3 ‰ continuous injection for 5 days, b, with fresh water plus 30PPm oxytetracycline bath for about 10 minutes. 7 days after the second soaking, c, other control methods with sea worms.
(B) Bacterial diseases
1, Vibriosis [pathogen] is mainly Vibrio anguilla, Brevibacterium, shaft bending or straight 0.5-0.91.2-3um, single ends are round, with extreme single flagellar movement, Gram-negative, no Spores.
[Symptoms] Large yellow croaker lost appetite in the early stage of disease, swimming was slow, body color was dark, balance was unbalanced, and later roundabouts madly travelled.
The typical sign of the disease is the formation of ulcers on the surface to be treated. In the initial stage, the skin on the body surface has petechiae or ecchymosis, irregular erythema appears, especially in the abdomen and caudal peduncle. In severe cases, the skin muscles are bleeding and rot forming hemorrhagic ulcers. Anal swelling, or yellow mucus outflow. The anatomy shows ascites in the abdominal cavity, congestion in the liver, spleen, and kidney, swelling or yellowish bleeding in the liver, intestinal congestion, and yellow mucus in the intestines.
[Control methods] a, pay attention to operation, to avoid fish injuries, timely detection of parasites to prevent bacterial infection, b, with bleach powder bag (250 grams / bag), with a needle a few holes, hung in the box. C, internal administration of sulfa drugs or antibiotics. The sulfa drug was administered 1-2 times per 10 kilograms of fish body weight for 5-7 consecutive days. Antibiotics such as doxycycline used 0.5 grams per 10 kilograms of fish body weight for 5 to 7 consecutive days.
2. Bacterial enteritis disease [pathogen] Aeromonas punctiformis, 0.4-, Brevibacterium Gram-negative, extreme single flagellum, strain, no spores, most of which are connected.
[Symptoms] This disease is characterized by inflammation of the intestinal tract and sepsis due to bleeding. The sick fish lost their appetite, their body was dark, their abdomen was swollen and their erythema appeared. Body skin scales intact, anal redness. Anatomy shows that the intestinal wall is congested and inflamed, and the intestinal eosinophils are ulcerated and fall into pale yellow mucus.
[Prevention and treatment methods] a. It is forbidden to feed spoilage and spoilage foods. b. In the peak period of the disease, allicin 1 to 2 are added regularly to the bait. C, inside the eye of antibiotics norfloxacin, chloramphenicol and other added amount of 1 to 3 / kg of material, even 5-7 days. D. The intraocular furazolidone 2-3 grams per kilogram of material was continued for 5 to 7 days.
3, vertical squamous disease [pathogen] has not yet been determined [symptoms diagnosis] with sick fish scales partially or all erect like a loose ball-like features. Finally, scales fell off, the epidermis became inflamed, and bleeding under the epidermis took place.
[Control methods] (1) Sprinkle with calcined water regularly. (2) The nets are exquisitely changed and washed to ensure the smooth flow of water inside and outside the cage. Remove residual baits in time to avoid deterioration of the sediment in the cage area. (3) The cage culture was bathed with nitrofurazone at a concentration of 1010-6 for 20 minutes, and the pond culture was splashed with 1 to 210-6 concentrations. The effect was obvious.
(3) Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors in non-pathogenic diseases are called non-pathogenic diseases. With sudden, damaged surface features. The main diseases are the following:
1, bait poisoning disease [cause] feed on spoilage of the bait, in the metamorphic food contains histamine and other toxins, can cause large yellow croaker, a large number of deaths. [Symptoms] diseased fish body surface, body color, fins and other normal. Swim or rave near the surface of the water and die. The petal flap is light red or dark red, and the small pieces are severely congested with increased mucus. The epidermal cells fall off and the dead fish mouth opens. A small amount of dead fish was found the second day after feeding the deteriorated food. [Control methods] a. It is forbidden to feed deteriorating bait, and high-quality compound feed can be selected for feeding, which can avoid the occurrence of this disease. B. The diseased fish should be fed with sulfa drugs within 2-3 days after stopping. The dosage should be 2-5 投 for feeding amount, c, oral allicin, and the dosage should be 3 ‰ 5 投 for feeding amount. 2, anemone smashing ulcer disease [cause] in the high temperature period of the summer anemone grows quickly, cages in the sea a few days later will be attached to a large number of Shanghai Kwai. And anemone can secrete toxins, and large yellow croakers prefer to swim on the edge of the net. After being injured by anemone, the fish may be uncomfortable due to itchiness and rub on the wall of the cage. Then the scales fell off, damaged, and ulcerated, causing secondary bacterial infections. [Symptoms] When the anemone was injured, the surface of the fish was partially faded and scratched. At this time, the fish's intake was normal. There were many waterdrop-like anemone on the wall and the symptoms increased after 2-3 days. Descaled plaque, bleeding plaques, with primary rotten tail, rotting fins, and snout ulceration. Even the snout and tail bones are bare. The diseased fish traveled slowly, without food, and eventually died. Microscopic examination of silk, body surface, and gastrointestinal tract found no parasites. See the above symptoms can be confirmed. [Control methods] a. In the proliferating anemone of the sea anemone, change the cage every 5 to 6 days, wash the replaced cage, and use it after 2-3 days of exposure to sunlight. When changing screens, be careful not to let the fish rest on the wall. B. The diseased fish with severe injuries were selected and intensively reared, and 10 ml of seawater was used for bathing for 20 minutes. C. Add erythromycin 2 in the diet for 5-7 days. 3, other causes of death [reason] 1 anti-disease treatment when the amount of medication is too large or not the right medicine, 2 water is too excited, the top of the small fry of the ability to rely on the net to die. 3 Inadvertent operation resulted in fish death when changing screens or bins. [Control measures] Breeding management personnel should seriously study scientific breeding techniques and increase their sense of responsibility. In particular, when the first-time raiser encounters some problems, he should not take measures blindly. He should consult experienced or professional technicians before taking effective measures.

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