
Xiacao, scientific name GypsophilaclegnsMB. Alias, gypsophila, small white flowers, and dianthus, belonging to the family Dianthus, and Dianthus, are the first- and second-year herbs. Its plant height is about 50 cm. The stems are fine and smooth, with many branches scattered, pinkish green, and white frost. Leaves opposite, base rounded leaf-shaped moment, upper leaves lanceolate. The cymes are terminal, sparse and extended, and the flowers are lush and meticulous. They are distributed evenly over hundreds of flowers, like stars. Flowers small, 5 mm in diameter, scented, with shallow flowers, five lobes, obtuse at apex. Five petals, white and small, but also bright red, rose red, flowering from April to August. Capsule fruit ball, split. Most of the seeds are small. Xiacao is cold-tolerant, alkaline-earth-resistant, hi-sun, and does not like to transplant. It requires a fertile, well-drained soil that contains lime. Breed with seeds. Fall broadcasts are generally used. Germination temperature 20 °C. About ten days after sowing, seedlings are usually transplanted. When three or four leaves are grown, seedlings, weeds and cultivators are used. In order to ensure the seedlings grow robustly, the general plant spacing is 40 centimeters, and the spacing between the cut flowers is 20 centimeters. If cultivating dwarf plants, the seedlings will be dug in the early August in late February and the roots must be soiled and transplanted into four-and-five-inch pots to produce a dwarf and stalked plant of twenty to thirty centimeters.

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