
(Tilia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.)

Eucalyptus branch. Deciduous trees, up to 20 meters, gray bark. Leaves alternate, oval, length 8-15 cm, width 7-14 cm, end acute, leaf base shallow heart-shaped, leaf margin coarsely serrate, long pointed, densely white hairs on leaves. Cymes droop, sepals 5-15 cm long, yellow petals. Fruit spherical, diameter 5 mm.

Alias: Acer genus, Liliadidae genus: Eucalyptus

Category: Deciduous trees

Morphological characteristics

Deciduous trees, up to 20 meters, gray bark. Leaves alternate, oval, length 8-15 cm, width 7-14 cm, end acute, leaf base shallow heart-shaped, leaf margin coarsely serrate, long pointed, densely white hairs on leaves. Cymes droop, sepals 5-15 cm long, yellow petals. Fruit spherical, diameter 5 mm. Crown broad oval, flat spherical. Branchlets, bud dense, pale brown, stellate hairy. Leaves oval, base oblique. Petiole hairy.

Distribution of origin

In the Xiaoxing'an Mountains in northeastern China, the deciduous and long leaf forests in Changbai Mountain forest area are common.

Growth habit

Hi light, able to shade. Cold, hi humid climate, easy to fall leaves in summer drought. Suitable for deep, fertile, moist soils that are resistant to drought, salt, and salt. Slightly strong, resistant to soot and toxic gases. Deep-rooted, fast growing


Seeding and breeding, the seeds have the characteristics of germination every other year. It is necessary to collect sand for one year, the seedlings must be shaded, and the seedlings can also be propagated.

App viewing

The leaves are beautiful, the tree posture is quiet, the summer is thick and shaded, the yellow flowers are full of trees, and the fragrance is good. It is a good tree shade tree and street trees. It is an excellent tree species of honey source. The northern gardens should be popularized and applied.

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