Sorghum downy mildew

Symptoms The disease invades sorghum in a systematic or local form. More damage leaves. A chlorosis or yellowish-white area appeared on the leaves of infected plants at the seedling stage. When the humidity was high, white molds appeared on the back of the leaves. Later, green and white parallel stripes appeared on the leaves, and finally light reddish-brown stripes appeared. The chlorotic veins became Necrotic lesions cause leaf rupture, which is a typical symptom of the disease. Dwarfed plants at the seedling stage are often dwarfed before flowering and fruiting. They can survive without flowering, but they can flower at later stages but their yields drop sharply. Some diseased plants have clustered symptoms that resemble madness. After the occurrence of downy mildew in sorghum, purple spot disease is easily induced. The diseased tissue is not distorted or deformed, unlike madness. The disease has been on the rise in recent years.

The pathogen Peronosclerospora sorghi (West. et Uppal) Shaw said that the genus Aspergillus was a flagellin subphylum fungi. In addition to invading sorghum, the bacteria can still infect corn. The morphological characteristics of the bacteria can be found in corn downy mildew. In addition, it has been reported that Sclerosporasorghi (kulk.) Westen et Uppal said that S. sorgeli is a flagellin-borne fungus and it is also the pathogen of the disease. The sorghum stem cysts erect, the base slightly enlarged, long 100-150um, the top was bifurcated branches, the end of small stalks, an endospore sac, protruding from the stomata of the lower epidermis. The sporangia are nearly round, without mastoids, and are colorless. They are 15-2915-26.9 (um) in size. They are born on long, sharply cut small stalks. When the humidity is high, the sporangia germinate to form germ tubes. The oviculum is spherical, 40-50um in size, buried in the mesophyll tissue between vascular bundles. The oospore is spherical, colorless, with a pale yellow wall, size 25-42.9 um. It has been reported recently that Sclerophthora (Saccardo) Thilmalachar, Shaw & Narasimham, called the new strain of Phytophthora sp. The mycelium is colorless and multinuclear without separation. The ovipositor is nearly spherical, brown, with a size of 27,5-72.520 to 63.8 (um). 1 to 4 males, lateral, pale yellow-brown, size 13,18-40.36.3-21.3 (um). The oospore is spherical, yellow-brown, with a size of 23.8-57.521, 3-53.8 (um).

Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The oocysts are overwintering in the soil and can survive for several seasons. Jubilee becomes the initial infection source of the disease. The oospores germinate to generate germ tubes and invade the leaves of the seedlings. After the onset of the seedlings, the sporangia of the diseased part spread and reinfected by wind and rain. The germination of the sporangia of this fungus requires high humidity and temperatures below 20°C. In dry conditions in the field, the spores lose their viability after 3-4 hours.

Control methods (1) selection of disease-resistant varieties. (2) Remove the diseased body promptly after harvest. (3) The diseased plants found in the field were removed at any time and burned centrally. (4) In areas where the incidence is heavy, a large area of ​​rotation should be implemented. (5) Strengthen field management, timely drainage after rain, and prevent moisture retention. (6) If necessary, spray 72% of clenbuterol or 72% of Kelu wettable powder 700 times or 69% of zinc manganese wettable powder 1000 times of liquid, 64% of antimony wettable powder 500 times of liquid.

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