Eggplant seedling management can not be ignored

After 70% of the seed in the seedbed emerged, the plastic film covering the bed soil was removed. Always spray water to keep the soil moist. During this period, we must pay attention to the prevention and control of underground pests. The method is to use 80% of dichlorvos EC 1200-1500 times solution plus a new high-fat membrane 800 times liquid on the seedbed. When there are two true leaves in the seedlings, separate seedlings are to be prepared, and the seedlings for the seedlings shall be prepared, and the seedlings shall be transplanted at a spacing of 8 cm and 8 cm. After the relocation, it should be irrigated, and keep the high temperature to promote the slow seedlings.

The seedlings are cultivated at low temperature by irrigating the seedbeds and then cutting the seedbed soil into pods to gradually increase the amount of air release. Remove grasshoppers at night and properly control temperature and moisture before planting. Before planting, pest control should be carried out again. Use 800 times solution of new high-fat membrane with 40% dimethoate 1200 to 1500 times solution or deltamethrin 5000 times solution to spray.

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