Winter diet should take the warming route

A bowl of incense paste a warm

Since the winter, people who liked sweets frequently visited dessert houses and ordered a bowl of hot, fragrant, sweet, moisturizing food that suddenly filled them with warmth.

Almond paste has the effects of moistening lungs, cough and asthma, and intestines; sesame paste is rich in calcium and iron, which helps maintain bone health. In addition, walnut paste is also very popular. Walnut contains linolenic acid and vitamin E, which can help supplement brain power and delay brain cell degeneration.

Fresh porridge products Liver eyesight

The authentic pork liver porridge is thin, sticky and slippery. It is said that the porridge has a role in nourishing the liver and eyesight. Pig liver is rich in iron, or a good source of iron supplements.

The porridge is very particular about cooking, mainly the pickling of pig liver and the porridge. After the liver is cut into pieces and put into a bowl, add starch, chopped green onion, ginger, cooking wine, and salt, and marinate it evenly. Cooking time should not be too long, otherwise the liver is not tender and slippery, but the time is too short and the liver is not transparent and unsanitary. Therefore, the heat is to ensure that the pig liver is tender but not the main factor.

Nourishing Sugar Water Beauty Treatment

Tremella papaya water is a syrup with the effect of intestines. Papaya is rich in vitamins A and C and fibers, and water soluble fiber helps to balance blood lipid levels. Tremella has the effect of preventing eye diseases. The combination of the two can effectively prevent free radicals from damaging the body's cells.

Soak the white fungus into a small flower after being soaked. Papaya peeled and cut into small pieces, add water into the stew, and cook for one and a half hours. This sweet syrup has become the home of many Foshan residents.

Selective Dietary Supplements

At present, many restaurants in Foshan have already launched mutton soup and ginseng chicken soup. Zhang Nian, a nutritionist at Foshan Hospital, believes that these supplements are not suitable for all people. In dry weather, people with symptoms of dry mouth, dry mouth, constipation, etc. should be banned, and food should be tempered, otherwise the opposite effect will appear. The weak and sick patients can be supplemented with supplements under the guidance of doctors to help digestion and promote the absorption of nutrients. It should be noted that over-cold, dry, hot and spicy diets should not be chosen.

Water Distiller

Distilled water machine refers to a machine that uses distillation to prepare pure water. Distilled water can be divided into once and multiple times. After the water is distilled once, the non-volatile components are removed in the container, and the volatile components enter the initial fraction of distilled water. Usually, only the middle part of the fraction is collected, accounting for about 60%. To get more pure water, add alkaline potassium permanganate solution to distilled water to remove organic matter and carbon dioxide; add non-volatile acid to make ammonia become non-volatile ammonium salt. Because glass contains a small amount of water-soluble components, it is necessary to use a quartz distillation vessel to obtain very pure water when performing two or more distillations. The obtained pure water should be stored in a quartz or silver container.

working principle

The working principle of the distilled water machine: the production is to boil the source water to evaporate and condense and recover, which consumes a lot of heat energy and the cost is not too low. The other evaporating substances in the source water used to make distilled water will also follow the distilled water. It is formed and condensed into distilled water, such as phenols and benzene compounds that are harmful to health, and even evaporable mercury. To obtain pure water or ultra-pure water, it must be distilled twice or three times and other purification methods must be added.

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Water distiller, distilled water machine, water distillation device

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