Fruit trees should be strengthened after fruit picking

Fruit trees suffer from early defoliation and secondary growth due to excessive results, poor management, pests and diseases, adverse climate (high temperature, drought, typhoon, etc.). For example, the secondary flowering of pear trees in autumn may severely affect them. The accumulation of nutrients in the tree is not conducive to the growth of the tree in the second half of the year. Liyuan, Taoyuan, and Liyuan affected by the autumn drought will have early defoliation, early flowering, and leaves being eaten by insects, which will seriously affect the annual output.

Therefore, the management of fruit trees after fruit harvesting is very important. At this time, the nutrients produced by photosynthesis are no longer supplied to fruit growth, but are used for further differentiation of flower buds and thickening of branches and tissue maturation, and are the accumulation periods of major nutrients in one year. Must maintain a sound leaf as the center, appropriate nitrogen supplement, combined with pest control spray 0.3% ~ 0.5% of urea solution. Watering in time of drought. Part of the erect leggy branches must timely pull branches, especially the upper branches of the crown, should be cut in time to improve the light in the middle and lower parts, so that the branches and buds are substantial, and lay the foundation for the next year's high yield.

Peach, pear, and plum pests mainly include thorn moth, pear stem bee, longhorn beetle, and pear small spotworm. The diseases mainly include rot and powdery mildew, and must be prevented. After picking fruit, one or two pesticides must be sprayed. Prevent pests and diseases.

After November, all kinds of fruit trees should be pruned, and they should do the work of sealing the garden, whitening the trunk, adding organic fertilizer, and interplanting green manure, so that the harvest will be harvested in the following year and greater profits will be achieved.

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