Agate House

Alias: Cuiwen Woiu

Origin: Native South Africa

Growth habits:

Hi warm and dry and sunny environment. More cold-resistant, drought-resistant and semi-yin. Should be fertile, well-drained sandy loam soil. Winter temperature is not lower than 5°C.

Cultivation and conservation:

Potted soil was selected for loose leafy soil and coarse sand with a small amount of dried cow dung. During the growing season, scattering light is the best, making the fleshy leaves attractive. In summer, the light is too strong and the tip of the blade is prone to redness. In the summer and winter dormancy period, the pots and soils are kept slightly dry. During the vigorous growth period, apply fertilizer once a month. If the soil is too wet in the winter and the temperature is low in the winter, the roots and leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. In the winter, the indoor maintenance should be carried out.


Common ramets and cutting propagation. The ramets can be taken out of the pot in spring and autumn each year, and the sub-plants next to the mother plant can be split and planted. Cut the cuttings, use the leaves of the agate house, cut them and dry them and insert them into the sand bed. After about 120-150 days of insertion, the roots can be rooted from the healing site and new shoots can be produced.


Potted soil was selected for loose leafy soil and coarse sand with a small amount of dried cow dung. During the growing season, scattering light is the best, making the fleshy leaves attractive. In summer, the light is too strong and the tip of the blade is prone to redness. In the summer and winter dormancy period, the pots and soils are kept slightly dry. During the vigorous growth period, apply fertilizer once a month. If the soil is too wet in the winter and the temperature is low in the winter, the roots and leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. In the winter, the indoor maintenance should be carried out.

Pests and diseases:

Root rot and leaf spot damage can sometimes occur and can be sprayed with 1000-times 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder. Insect pests are harmed by scale insects and sprayed with 2000 times of 40% oxidized fruit EC.


The Agate House is a small, pulpy plant with stout leaves, grayish green, and white dots, which are unusually fresh and elegant.

It is very suitable for potted plants and it is elegantly furnished with study, guest rooms, windowsills and balconies.

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