Rosemary tansy

Scientific name: Rosemarinusofficinalis.

English name: Rosemary, PolarPlant, Compass-weed

Alias: tansy

Plant properties: Lipaceae

Plant species: Perennial evergreen subshrubs

Extraction site: flowering plants

Origin: Tunisia, Morocco, Mediterranean coast

Morphological characteristics:

If the plants are not pruned to a height of 150 cm, and the amplitude is 60-80 cm, the leaves are elongated and long like pine needles, the edges are unrolled, grayish-green leathery, needle-shaped after drying, and the colors are blue, pink and white. There are many varieties of rosemary, roughly divided into upright species and axillary species, economic cultivation mostly upright species, because it requires less space for growth, harvesting is also more convenient.

Rosemary is a perennial aromatic plant, planted in tall pots 30 cm, planted 50-80 cm, stems erect, much branched, leaf blade lanceolate or linear, 2.5-3 cm long, 0.2 cm wide, leaves dark green, leaves Silver-gray back; flowering in spring and summer, flowering lips, purple, white, yellow or pink color; small nuts, seeds black, 1,000 grams weight 1.1 grams.

Growth habits:

Rosemary has strong adaptability, drought tolerance, thin tolerance and strict soil requirements. The cold resistance is poor. In the cold regions of the north, the mulch should be covered in winter to facilitate the winter. Seed germination is difficult and the bud rate is low. Seeds are soaked in warm water at 30°C for 8-12 hours before sowing, and the surface mucosa is removed. Seed bed must pay attention to the entire fine leveling, cover a small amount of fine soil after sowing, and cover the film insulation moisturizing. When the seedlings grow to 6-8 true leaves, they can be transplanted, potted, and planted. When the height of the main stem is 15 centimeters after tending to shoot, it will be picked up and the height of the lateral branch will be 30 cm.

Use characteristics:

Rosemary's special aroma and string of small flowers, but the ancient lover used to represent the "death to death" symbol!

The strong aroma of rosemary refreshes the mind, and it is said to enhance memory and to treat headaches and migraines. Although born on the Mediterranean coast, he can adapt to the harsh weather conditions, but his favorite climate, It is still warm and well-ventilated and has a well-drained alkaline sandy loam. It avoids heavy rain and strong direct sunlight in the summer. It can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. However, the seed germination rate is low, and it is usually propagated by cuttings in autumn. In addition to blue flowers, there are still pink and white varieties.

It is a world famous spice plant. Its beautiful plant shape, attractive color, the whole plant has a strong aroma, both ornamental value, but also beautify, aroma environment, but also expel mosquitoes and flies. Rich aromatic odor can make people refreshed, refreshing, enhance memory, adjust the body's emotions.

Rosemary oil is often used on the skin for external use. It can stimulate blood and respiratory circulation, help muscle regeneration and analgesia.

Can be used for skin medical applications.

Formula One

Vascular varicose see cypress oil.

Formula two

Lower body edema, heavy legs, see Virginia cedar oil.

Formula 3

Varicose veins, cold hands and feet, rosacea, see Italy permanent flower essential oils.

Formula 4

See eye-catching lavender essential oil.

Formula Five

Rheumatism, sprains, tendonitis, see holly oil.

Formula 6

To prevent cold symptoms, see Green Melaleuca essential oil.

Formula seven

Physical fatigue, lack of energy, see rosewood oil.

Formula 8

Hair care, see Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Formula 9

Pain during neonatal long teeth, see broadleaf lavender essential oil.

Formula 10

Cellulite, cellulite, orange peel, see lemongrass oil.

Formula eleven

Repair, activate body, see Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Rosemary essential oils have different characteristics and performance depending on the place of production (Celarus, Corsica, Morocco, Tunisia). Therefore, it is advisable to confirm the production of biochemical speciality in Morocco and Tunisia before use. West Asia biochemical characteristics 1,8 Eucalyptus rosemary essential oil is the most common and cheapest, its fresh, slightly camphor-flavored pine oil smell is very pleasant and refreshing.

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