Feeding capacity of ducks during the egg production stage

Early egg production

The increase of feed intake during the initial stage of egg production in ducks should follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress. General female ducks begin to lay eggs at 22 weeks of age. After laying eggs, the amount of feed should be increased by 5 to 10 grams per week according to the weight of male and female ducks, in order to prompt ducks to reach 5% of their production as soon as possible. Egg rate. In the production practice, some farmers are eager to start production in advance (some ducks begin to lay eggs around 135 days of age), egg weight in the first phase of production, and early egg production peaks, etc. Increasing the amount of feed fed, sometimes reaching the maximum amount of feed until 25 weeks of age, will inevitably affect the economic efficiency of the entire laying period. First of all, the premature opening, coupled with the excessive production of the first egg, can easily cause the mother duck to recoil; Second, the body maturity and sexual maturity of the breeding duck is not consistent, especially the male, although there is sexual desire, but also to climb, but its semen Poor quality, generally lower hatching rate of fertilized eggs.

In the pre-laying period, during the pre-laying period (increasing egg production period), the amount of feed should be increased rapidly to induce the duck population to reach the peak of egg production as soon as possible. The maximum amount of feed should be made 2 to 3 weeks before the peak of the egg production. If the amount of feeding is postponed, the egg production will often be lost by 2% to 3%. At this time, tentative feeding method can be adopted. Each duck increases 5% to 10% of feed. After 4 days of feeding, observe the change in laying rate. If the laying rate increases, feed it according to the increased amount of feed. There is no change in the rate and the amount of raw material is immediately restored. This method can be used multiple times.

In the production practice, during the peak production period, in order to ensure that the peak period of egg production is on schedule, the maximum amount of feed in the early stage of laying is generally 10% to 15% higher than the amount of feed required for the duck during the peak period of egg production. Meat ducks average 220 to 250 grams per day during the peak season of egg production. Do not reduce the amount of feed during the peak period of the whole production, and always maintain the highest level. However, after the arrival of the peak of production, the 10%~15% higher feeding amount must be subtracted. Otherwise, it is easy to cause excessive fat in the breeding ducks, especially if the ducks are difficult to climb or do not want to climb, the female ducks will also suffer. Over-fertilization results in a drop in egg production.

After the peak of egg production at the later stage of egg production, the age of egg production, egg production rate, and egg weight should be combined at the later stage of egg production peak. After the egg production rate no longer rises, the reduction is started in 2 weeks. Generally, it starts at 31 weeks of age, and the rate of material reduction may be Bigger. The average feed consumption of each duck is reduced by 10-15 grams. After two weeks, the feeding amount of the duck was stabilized at the maximum feeding amount, and constant feeding was adopted.

After 48 weeks of age, the egg production rate of ducks at the end of the laying period begins to decline at a rate of 1% to 2% per week. Since the female ducks have fully reached body maturity, and the egg weight is relatively stable, the female ducks have no effect on nutrition. The demand began to decrease. If the amount of feed is not reduced at this time, it will inevitably result in the deposition of fat, making the fatness of the female duck excessive, resulting in a sharp decline in the rate of egg production at the later stage and causing a waste of feed. Therefore, from 48 weeks of age, it should be gradually reduced as the egg production rate declines.

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