Development and Application of Dryland Tomato Production Technology

Abstract : The problems of development and application of dryland tomato production technology are expounded from the aspects of selection of excellent seeds, cultivation of strong seedlings, site preparation, field management and timely harvesting.

Keywords: Dryland tomatoes; Cultivation techniques; Agricultural production

CLC: 5641.2 Document code: A

Article ID: 1005-6033 (2008) 08-0198-02

The tomato, also known as tomato, is an annual herb of the tomato family Solanaceae. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, as well as proteins, sugars, organic acids, and various minerals. They have high nutritional value. They can be cooked and eaten as raw summer fruit, but also processed into tomato juice and tomato. Sauces, jelly, preserved fruit and other foods.

Wuxiang County is a typical dry farming area with annual average rainfall of 578 mm, mainly distributed from July to September. The average annual temperature is 9.2°C, and the frost-free period is about 150 days. In recent years, we have successfully developed a dryland tomato production technology suitable for my county through continuous experimentation and demonstration based on the characteristics of strong drought resistance, strong resistance to stress, high adaptability, high yield, and good yield. The application of the technology has improved the output value and production efficiency of the dry land, and has played a significant role in promoting farmers' income.

1 Technical content

1.1 Selected varieties

Select good varieties with strong drought resistance, high yield, strong disease resistance, wide adaptability and good commercial quality. Such as cooperation 908, Zhongza No. 11, Jin Tomato No. 1, laid a good foundation for high yield and quality of dryland tomatoes.

1.2 Cultivation of strong seedlings


Due to late seedling cultivation and late planting, dryland tomatoes can be planted in open fields. Choose lee, sunny, ventilated, less pests, and pollution-free plots, with 1 m to 1.5 m wide and 6 m to 8 m long. Colonization of 0.066 hm2 tomatoes will require 7 m2 to 10 m2.

1.2.2 bed soil preparation and disinfection

Take 10 cm of disease-free soil from the cockroach, mix with appropriate amount of decomposed farmyard manure, grass-wood ash and compound fertilizer, and mix it evenly with fine stove ash in a ratio of 2-1 to achieve complete loosening, fertilizer conservation, water conservation, and nutrition.

Spread the prepared nutritious soil on the surface of the seedlings with a thickness of about 10 cm. With formalin 30 mL/m2-50 mL/m2, the bed soil was sterilized and the plastic film was used for 3 days to remove the film. After the gas was exhausted, it was sowed.

1.2.3 Seed Processing

In order to control seedling pests and seeds, the seeds should be treated before sowing.

(1) Soaking in warm soup: Soaking in warm water of 55°C for 15 min to 20 min, stir while soaking, and maintain soaking at 30°C for 4 h to 8 h.

(2) Seed soaking in seeds: soak seeds in fresh water for 3 h to 4 h, remove and put in potassium permanganate 800 to 1000 times or formalin 100 times in water for 20 min, then rinse with clean water. .

(3) Seed Dressing: Use 0.3% trisodium phosphate wettable powder and apply 0.2% of the seed amount. The treated seeds were wrapped in a wet cloth and placed in porcelain. The germination was carried out at a temperature of 25°C to 30°C. The seeds were ready to be sown by 70% or more of the germination seeds.

1.2.4 sowing

According to the climatic conditions and the way of raising seedlings, the seedlings of dry land tomatoes can be ordered for about 40 days. All kinds of seeds were planted on April 10 in my county and the seeding rate was 10 g/m2 to 15 g/m2. Before seeding, the seedbed is poured into the bottom water. After seeping, the seeds can be sown on the bed surface and evenly cover 1 cm of moist fine soil. Then cover the plastic film on the surface of the seedbed, and the surrounding film should be sealed tightly to prevent the wind from uncovering the film. When 70% of the seedlings are in the top soil, they will be removed.

1.2.5 Seedling Management

(1) Prevention of cold damage: After the emergence of tomatoes, pay attention to the weather forecast. Before the onset of the cold wave, plastic sheds or straw curtains shall be stamped in time to prevent seedlings from suffering cold weather.

(2) Watering: Watering is appropriate depending on the seedlings and the water conditions so that the seedbed is kept moist.

(3) Miaomiao: After the first true leaf is fully developed, the seedlings should be planted with a seedling distance of 2 cm. When the seedlings pay attention to weak, to residual, to disease seedlings to ensure uniform seed size.

(4) Separating seedlings: seedlings are grown when the seedlings grow to 2 leaves and 1 heart. The seedlings were transplanted to a ready seedbed with a seedling distance of 5 cm to 7 cm, followed by watering, and the seedlings kept seedlings to survive. After weeding, weeds should be promptly removed to prevent and treat plant diseases and insect pests in time.

(5) Seedlings and hardening seedlings: watering is stopped 7 days before the start of planting and seedlings are planted to enhance seedling drought resistance.

(6) Strong seedlings: Plant height 15 cm to 20 cm; Stem thick, dark green, internodes short, stem thick 0.5 cm to 0.7 cm; stems, leaves more hair, not long, dark green leaves; 6 to 8 True leaves, the first inflorescence just buds; roots developed, many lateral roots, white.

1.3 Site Preparation

Choose the lower terraces in the hills and mountains where the leeward winds are sunny, the drainage is convenient, the soil is deep and the pollution is not bad, dry land, or water storage is better. The selected plots have not been planted with cucumbers, potatoes and solanaceous fruit crops for at least 3 years. The former is better with wheat, corn, millet and sorghum.

The selected plots were promptly beaten and defended, and the criteria for attaining virtual reality, no waste, no roots, and ground soil were achieved. Before the colonization, draw the line to open the ditch and apply the basal fertilizer in a concentrated way to prepare for planting.

Dryland tomatoes are dominated by basal fertilizers, supplemented by topdressing. Basal fertilizers are used to re-apply high-quality farmyard fertilizers with a certain amount of chemical fertilizers. High-quality farmyard fertilizers of 333 kg/hm2, 3.3 kg/hm2 of diammonium phosphate, 6.7 kg/hm2 of grass ash (or 1 kg/hm2 of potassium sulfate).

1.4 Film Coverage

The suitable colonization period for dryland tomatoes is in early June. 10 to 15 days before planting, after the rain or when it was lame, ridging film, and master the "rain to unequal time, ranging from time to time" to ensure good sensation and timely planting. With a width of 1 m wide, the ditch was applied to the base fertilizer in a concentrated manner. The ditch was 30 cm deep, and the ridge was centered on the fertilization ditch. The ridge height was 8 cm to 10 cm, the ridge width was 60 cm, and the furrow width was 40 cm. 80 cm wide micro-membrane or ultra-micro film is applied on the ridge surface to spread compaction and compaction, and a windbreak is pressed every 10 m on the ridge surface.

1.5 timely planting and appropriate sparse planting

1.5.1 timely planting

During the appropriate period of planting, according to the weather and soil moisture, the time for planting was flexibly controlled, so that “when there is unequal time, it is time to wait for rain”, when the planting is not good, the water is planted to ensure the survival of the seedlings. In 2007, we colonized 1-5 June.

1.5.2 appropriate sparse

Holes were planted on both sides of the mulched ridges, one film and two rows. Membrane ridges have a small row spacing of 40 cm, a large row spacing of 60 cm between ridges and membranes, a plant spacing of 44 cm, and colonization of more than 200 plants/hm2.

1.6 Field Management


Framed vines

When the seedlings grow up to 30 cm in height and the fruiting branches of the head have been established, they are promptly inserted into the racks and then spread on the poles. The tied man grasps "tight and tight seedlings and weak seedlings." Every time the vines are tied, they are tied under the ears. The bracket is in the form of a herringbone.

1.6.2 Topping

Dryland tomatoes use a single-bar pruning method. In addition to leaving the main stem, the other lateral branches are promptly knocked out, and the lateral branches cannot be longer than 5 cm. In early September, he took toppings to concentrate on nutrition and attack the fruits to obtain high yields. At the same time, it is necessary to promptly remove stubs, diseased leaves and old leaves, promote ventilation and light transmission, and increase fruit yield and quality.

1.6.3 Diligently tilling loose soil

After planting, it is necessary to diligently plough and loosen the soil to remove the soil compaction around the plants and the furrows, loosen the soil, reduce the evaporation of water, and promote the penetration of moisture between the ridges and the membrane. At the same time we must promptly remove weeds and keep the fields tidy.

1.6.4 applied fertilizer

The first ear was grown to a diameter of 2 cm for top dressing. The human fecal urine is recovered from 7 500 kg/hm2 to 3 000 kg/hm2, and 120 kg to 150 kg of urea are added. According to the growth of the plant, the fruit can be set in the second and third panicles and then topdressed for 1 to 2 times. The top dressing can be sprayed with 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

1.7 Pest Control

The common pests and diseases of dryland tomatoes are mainly viral diseases, early blight, sunburn, aphids, 28 ladybirds, and cotton bollworms. To plant dryland tomatoes, we must adhere to the principle of “prevention as the mainstay and comprehensive prevention and control”, and give priority to agricultural control, supplemented by chemical control.

1.7.1 Agricultural Prevention and Control

(1) Selection of disease-resistant varieties: Special attention should be paid to the selection of varieties resistant to local diseases.

(2) Rotation of crop rotation, intensive cultivation: implementation of food crops such as wheat, corn, millet and other crop rotations for more than 2 to 3 years. After the first crop, the crops were ploughed repeatedly, allowing the soil in the cultivating layer to dry, freeze, and benefit birds to achieve the effects of disinfection, sterilization, and insect killing.

(3) Cleaning the pastoral: timely remove the weeds, roots and litters in the field, reduce the sources of bacteria and pests, and reduce the breeding and sterilization sites.

(4) Fertilizer treatment: The applied organic fertilizer must be exterminated and sterilized by high temperature to reduce the bacteria and eggs of the fertilizer.

(5) Reasonable fertilization: Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be reasonably proportioned to promote healthy growth of plants in order to increase their disease resistance.

(6) Remove diseased plants in the field to prevent spread of the disease.

1.7.2 Chemical control

(1) Viral disease: Use 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times spray to control aphids to reduce virus transmission; use 800 to 1 000 times solution of plant disease and disease EC to spray before and after colonization of tomatoes, which can play a very good prevention effect.

(2) Early blight: In the early stage of disease, use 80% mancozeb WP 500 times solution and 64% antivirus WP 400 to 500 times solution alternately, spray 5 to 7 days, and continuously spray 2 to 3 Times.

(3) Sunburn: spraying 0.1% copper sulfate or 0.1% zinc sulfate in high temperature season, spraying once every 10 days, and spraying 3 to 5 times.

(4) Locust: Sprayed with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times.

(5) 28 ladybugs: can be used to eradicate the fleas (21% synergistic cyanol EC) 3 000 times or 2.5% Kung Fu EC 2 000 times spray control.

(6) Helicoverpa armigera: When the larvae have not yet entered the fruit, they can be sprayed and used to control 3 000 times of extermination or 20% of speed killing of diclofenac 20%.

1.8 timely harvest

Dryland tomatoes began to be listed on the market at the end of August and early September. This is the season when vegetables are off-season. The prices are high and they are very good for sale. Therefore, it is necessary to mature a group of harvesters and market them quickly to obtain higher income.

2 application effect

2.1 Economic benefits

In 2007, the average yield of tomatoes was 4 100 kg, control corn yield was 550 kg; tomato production value was 3,280 yuan, and corn production value was 781 yuan; tomato net income was 2,780 yuan, corn net income was 581 yuan; tomato was 2199 yuan more than corn net income.

2.2 Ecological benefits

Dryland tomatoes production is in the rainy season, making full use of natural precipitation, improving the utilization rate of soil moisture, and rationally utilizing water resources.

2.3 Social benefits

It has driven the development of related industries such as the transportation industry and the sales industry, and at the same time has provided a large number of safe and high-quality vegetables and foods for the society.

3 Conclusion

The development and application of green dryland tomato production technology has opened up an effective way for the increase of dry land, which will certainly promote the rapid development of agricultural production in the dry farming area and promote the rapid increase of farmers' income.


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