Causes and Solutions of Death of Cubs

1, frozen to death. Low temperature means less than 28°C. Some people who are newly raised, lacking experience, think that people in the mortuary should feel comfortable if they feel comfortable. We do not know that the cubs need a high temperature environment that exceeds 28°C to live a normal life. If they stay below this temperature for a long time, they will freeze to death. At this time, the limbs of the limbs condense into a ball. The solution is to keep the temperature in the raising room at least 28-32°C, preferably 32-35°C.

2. Starvation and death. When the young cubs are born, they do not eat for 10 days on the mother's back. They only rely on the yolk that comes from the mother's body to survive. It takes a part of the physical strength during the molting process. When it comes down from the mother's back, the nutrients in the yolk have been consumed and the physical quality is weak. At this time, the yellow mealworms or soil yuan should be fed timely. If farmers are unable to provide insects in time, they will be fed directly with the insect mealworms. If they cannot feed, they will die of alive and starve to death. Their performance is dry and stiff. The solution is to prepare or purchase small yellow mealworms after they are born. In addition, as a spare feed for pups, it is also possible to provide some sterile flies, minced meat, and AD calcium milk instead.

3, humidity is not suitable. It often occurs in some farmers who use traditional backward methods. They see that dead lice are stiff and they think that it is caused by too little humidity. Therefore, artificially increase humidity to spray water in the pond, causing excessive humidity. More deaths, redness of the body's soft palate. The solution is not to spray water, keep the armpit dry, build a pond with different dryness and humidity, and allow the scorpion to freely choose suitable habitat.

4, lack of oxygen suffocation. Because the mortuary room is too dark, coupled with poor ventilation and ventilation conditions, the temperature is low, causing hypoxia asphyxiation and death. Dead limbs are soft and the body color is not changed. The solution is to open doors and windows, increase ventilation and ventilation, and plant some flowers in the mortuary to solve the problem of “oxygen and carbon breath” in the lice.

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