Several processing methods of multi-flavored walnuts

Walnut kernels are rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and various minerals and vitamins. They have the functions of nourishing the lungs and intestines, treating cold coughs, and treating pain in the waist and knees. They are ideal health foods. At present, except for canned products, there are few other products. Now introduce a new processing method.
First, the choice of materials. Choose fresh, full, pest free, walnuts with the same size and shell thickness as raw materials for processing, or rinse the selected fruits with 10% saline, remove the empty fruits and pests, and then air dry them.
Second, soaked to astringent. The selected walnuts are soaked in clean water or dilute salt water to remove astringency, change the water once a day, remove it after 3 days, and air dry.
Third, seasoning soak. The preparation method of the seasoning liquid is: 1% of large material, 0.3% of soybean meal, 0.3% of cinnamon, 0.2% of clove, 0.3% of licorice, 0.2% of cumin, 0.1% of Chinese zanthoxylum, 4% of salt, and 93% of water. The above-mentioned various spices are weighed and mixed evenly, and boiled with water for about 1 hour (note that the lost moisture is added), and the aqueous solution is a seasoning liquid. The astringent walnuts are directly soaked in the seasoning liquid to prevent floating, stirring 2-3 times a day to make it taste evenly, remove it after 5 days, drain the water.
Fourth, baking. The soaked walnuts are baked in an oven or roasting room, and the temperature is controlled at 75-80 degrees to prevent the temperature from being too high and producing a burnt phenomenon. During the roasting process, it is turned 2-3 times to make it heated evenly, and it is baked until the walnuts are brittle and there are rich aromas.
Fifth, the finished product packaging. After cooling, they are sorted by size and then packaged in different weights of 250 grams, 500 grams, etc., sealed in a plastic food bag, and stored in a low-temperature and ventilated place. Lq

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