Pomegranate cutting seedlings

Pomegranate tree tender shoot cutting seedlings

Pomegranates are usually bred with rams and ramets, with underdeveloped roots, slow seedlings after transplanting, and late results. The use of softwood cuttings in the rainy season reproduces quickly, with a high survival rate and robust growth.

1. Slope conditions

Select a sandy loam with convenient irrigation and well-drained water. After applying sufficient soil and compost, deep plowing will be 20-30 centimeters, and the whole planting will be done carefully.

2, cutting time and method

Shandong Province is appropriate in July. 0.5-1 cm thick semi-lignified or lignified shoots were collected as cuttings. The acupuncture and mature leaves on the cuttings should be kept, and only the leaves and shoots on the shoots should be cut. The cuttings were cut into 15-20 cm long segments, the upper end was cut 0.3-0.5 cm from the tip of the bud, and the lower cut was a horse ear. The cuttings were classified according to the degree of coarse cutting, and then ABT rooting powder 50 mg/kg was used to soak the cuttings for 2 hours. The cuttings could also be soaked with water for 2-3 days, changing the water 1-2 times per day. When cutting, use honey to cut the bottom of the cuttings, which is more conducive to rooting. The cuttings can be cut or inserted in a straight line, and 1-2 axillary buds are exposed on the ground of the cuttings. The cutting spacing is 20-30 cm, the spacing is 10 cm, 4-6 rows per cutting.

3, post-insertion management

After the cuttings are watered immediately and shaded (formed as shade), keep the soil moist until the old leaves fall off. The sprouts can be removed after germination, but in case of hot weather, it should be at 11 am Temporary shading is performed at 5pm. After germination of 3 cm, 5 kg of urea is applied per acre; in the growing season, loose soil and no weeds should be maintained; in the late autumn, fertilizer and water should be controlled to promote full lignification of the shoots and increase cold resistance.

China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute 0371-66382323

13673951810 (Mr Xiao)

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