Early prevention of premature aging of cotton film

In recent years, the cotton field in our city has experienced premature aging at different levels, resulting in poor cotton boll opening, increased clam shells and deadlocks, and reduced quality.

First, premature causes

1. Years of continuous production. Cotton has a long history of continuous cropping, low soil organic matter content, and heavy cropping year after year. Coupled with insufficient input of organic fertilizers by cotton farmers, the fertilizer supply capacity of the cotton field is weak at the later stage, and premature aging of cotton is caused by defertilizer. In the cotton fields with short cotton-growing periods, most of the cotton leaves are green and green; for the old cotton fields that have been used for more than 5 years, the growth in the early stages is still good. Once the low-temperature and rainy conditions are encountered in the middle and late periods, the symptoms of the red leaves occur in large areas. The main causes are:

1 As a result of long-term continuous cropping in cotton fields, straw returning, cotton wilt and verticillium wilt pathogens have accumulated in the soil year after year, and the number of antibiotics is small, resulting in increasingly serious disease, leading to premature aging.

2 Planting the same crop for a long time successively will cause the soil ecosystem to lose its balance, and the soil fertility will be greatly reduced, causing premature aging of cotton.

3 Many residual films accumulated in cotton fields are not conducive to the growth and development of cotton roots, directly affecting cotton roots' extension and extension, resulting in malformation and distortion of cotton roots, which are not conducive to the absorption of nutrients and water by roots, and subsequently affect normal growth and development of cotton aboveground parts. , which led to increased shedding of the bells, causing premature aging of cotton.

2. There is insufficient mulch cotton. It is prone to madness in the early stages; it is prone to lodging in the medium term; Mainly due to the shallow distribution of mulch cotton roots, development is ahead of time, is not conducive to the cotton roots to absorb the deep soil moisture and nutrients, reduced drought resistance, once encountered high temperature and drought, or lack of water, can easily cause premature aging.

3. Improper management of water and fertilizers. In the early stage of cotton growth, there are many fertilizers, and in the middle and late stages, the vegetative bodies in the aboveground part of the cotton are too large and there are many buds, flowers, and bells. However, due to insufficient nutrients in the middle and late stages, a large number of flower buds fall off, and the reproductive organs of the cotton plants are stunted. Premature aging.

4. Unreasonable adjustment. If the time is not appropriate, the upper middle of the cotton will stretch too long, affecting the ventilation of the lower fruit branches, light transmission and photosynthesis of the leaves, causing the lower fruit buds and bells to fall off. Even if the bells do not fall off, the bells are smaller and the boll weight is lower. Light, causing premature aging of cotton.

5. Pest damage. Cotton aphids and cotton leafhoppers suck sap on the back of the cotton leaf with a sucking mouthpart, destroying the photosynthesis of leaves, discoloring, curling, and even shedding, causing premature aging. Spray pesticides, spray fertilizer concentration is too large, spraying more times, will make mesophyll cells damaged, round or irregular water-stained patches appear on the leaves, or leaves red and dry coke, resulting in a serious drop in the bell, causing Premature aging. 6. Variety resistance is poor. Variety of cotton varieties, updated quickly, cotton itself, disease resistance, poor resistance, can also cause premature aging. 7. Climate factors. The continuous rainfall and low temperature during the flowering and bolling period cause large areas of cotton leaves, and even dry off, causing premature aging of cotton.

Second, prevention and control measures

1. Choose high-yield and high-quality varieties with great potential for production, strong stamina, strong late-stage bellies, and not premature aging. It is forbidden to transfer non-quarantine-qualified seeds from serious wards.

2. Reasonable rotation. Adjust the planting structure and implement grain and cotton wheel dumping to maintain long-term stable circulation of soil nutrients.

3. Water and fertilizer management. Apply base fertilizer and increase potassium fertilizer. Fertilizer application per acre was as follows: urea 10 kilograms, diammonium phosphate 20-25 kilograms, potash 20-30 kilograms; in addition to farmyard manure, but also to apply a certain amount of zinc sulfate, borax and other trace fertilizer, the specific amount of zinc sulfate 1 to 2 kg, borax 0.5 kg. Plastic film cotton seedling period, bud usually do not top-fat. The flowering and bolling season fertilizer should be applied early and reused, and the amount of fertilizer should account for 2/3 of the total amount. Fertilizer should be changed to fertilization at the beginning of flowering stage and flowering stage for two fertilization. Urea application of 7-8 kg per acre at the beginning of flowering, 11-14 kg per full bloom. Fertilizer to be buried in the trenches, combined with watering, to play a fertilizer effect. The mulching cotton root system is shallow, and it is sensitive to drought. Especially when it is under drought, it can easily cause premature aging. Therefore, it is important to pour the initial water, bell-mouth water, and late water. Due to the weakening of root absorption capacity in late flowering lines and the unfavorable operation between rows, spraying 2% urea or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or 1% diammonium phosphate solution, with a dosage of 75 kg per mu, every 7~ Spray once every 10 days and spray 2 or 3 times.

4. Disease and pest control. The main diseases of cotton include: blight, anthracnose, blight, and verticillium wilt; pests include: ground tiger, cotton aphid, cotton bollworm, red spider, Spodoptera litura, blind stink bug, cotton thrips and so on. For cotton withered and verticillium wilt disease, diseased areas should be removed to reduce the accumulation of pathogens in the light wards, and wheat, corn and other crops and cotton rotations in severely afflicted areas can significantly reduce the disease. The prevention and control of insect pests should be conducted as early as possible and early prevention and control, and efforts should be made to eradicate the damage in the center strain or spotting stage. In the chemical control, low concentration, large amount of water and reduced spraying times of pesticides can be achieved. It is strictly prohibited to use pesticides that kill large natural enemies.

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