Pepper early maturing and high yield technology

Pepper, also known as jalapeno pepper, pepper, Sichuan pepper, and wolfberry pepper, is the fruit of the Rutaceae plant Zanthoxylum bungeanum. In most parts of the country, the skin of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is used as a seasoning, and it can also be used as a medicine. The seeds are edible and can be processed to make soap. Pepper trees are resistant to drought and barren, and are particularly suitable for planting on terraced fields, marginal lands, uncultivated land, and orchards. Scientific planting of pepper trees is also an effective way to improve the ecological environment and increase farmers' income.
After the pepper tree is planted for 2-3 years, the results can be obtained. For early solidification, the following technical measures can be taken.
First, reasonable irrigation and fertilization
More irrigation before June can promote the growth of foliage. After July, there will be little or no irrigation, and the soil moisture will be maintained so that the leaves are not wilting and the autumn shoots are not prosperous. When the spring drought is encountered, it must be watered in time. The pepper on the slope can be excavated at 50-60 cm from the base of the trunk with 5-7 points, with a depth of 15 cm. Then the water is poured into the hole and buried under the infiltration. You can.
Topdressing is the main means to solve the contradiction between the large amount of fertilizer needed for the growth of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and the lack of soil fertilizer. Prior to flowering, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, which mainly supplements the shortage of basal fertilizer and insufficient tree nutrient deficiencies in autumn. It has a significant effect on increasing ear number, increasing fruit setting rate, and promoting young fruit development; To ensure the fruit growth and development needs, less available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be topdressed. Applying fertilizer before flower bud differentiation has obvious effects on promoting flower bud differentiation, with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers as the main components, and suitable amount of potash fertilizer.
Fertilizer spraying at the growing stage is an important part of high-quality, high-yield and stable production of pepper, combined with the use of “melon and fruit compendium” foliar spray fertilizer to enhance fertilizer efficiency and meet the physiological needs of fruit development.
Autumn basal fertilizer can promote the tree to restore vitality, timely supply of fruit tree nutrition, and promote the tree as soon as possible to restore physiological function. Base fertilizer can be applied from the picking of peppers to sprouting before the spring of the following year, but the effect is best when applied immediately after picking peppers. Fertilizer is dominated by organic fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer depends on the age of the tree and the level of yield. In general, the saplings use 3-4 kilograms of fertilizer per tree per year. In the early fruit period, the pepper tree grows 5-6 kilograms per year. A single plant of 1-2 pounds of knotted pepper can be applied to 10-30 kilograms of manure and mixed with 1-2 kilograms of superphosphate.
Second, timely pest control should be based on the occurrence of pests, timely prevention and treatment. Before the germination, the tree body is sprayed with lime sulfur + "General Tree Guard" to kill overwintering adults, eggs, larvae and pathogen spores; after germination, trapping and killing adult beetles, spraying 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 times, or 50% of the marathon Emulsion 1000 times control pests that damage young leaves and shoots, such as aphids, red spiders, swallowtails, and moths. The dormancy period is combined with the corresponding cultivation techniques and the control of chemical agents to eliminate and kill pests and reduce the source of pests and diseases.
Third, thinning and fruit thinning management techniques entered fruitful period, thinning and thinning fruit should be removed in order. The amount of thinning and thinning fruit should be based on the length of the resulting branch shoots. Generally 5 cm or more result in more than 50% of the fruit. The inflorescence of 1/5--1/4 is removed at intervals; if the result is 5 cm, the branch is 50% Below, just 1/4--1/3 of the inflorescence should be removed to ensure that the plants have sufficient nutrition.
Fourth, do a good job after the tree pruning bud, should pay attention to the backbone of the branches and branches of the extension of the new shoots to maintain a strong trend and reasonable extension of the orientation and angle, when the new shoot length of 50 cm or so, it is necessary to carry out topping, promote their points Birthing branches to facilitate the accelerated formation of the crown and the selection of branches.
During winter cutting, except for the short and medium lengths of the extensions of the trunk, main branches, and lateral branches, the other branches should be lightly sheared and long-distributed, and their branching angle should be about 50 degrees. The branches and branches should be replaced alternately. Within the branches, the branches should be lightly sheared, the moderate-responsive branches should be put slowly, the short branches should be weakened, and the weak branches should be removed; the upright branches with no development space should be sparse. In addition, there is room for development to reduce the number of short cuts, training into a small group; thinning out branches and dense branches.
The wounds caused by pruning are smeared with “wounding and anti-corrosion film” to prevent pests from invading the trees from the wounds, prevent cracks, and protect the tree's wounds from healing as soon as possible.
In short, as a heat-resistant and drought-resistant plant, Zanthoxylum bungeanum is relatively easy to manage. As long as the fruit farmer manages based on experience and combined with the above methods, the Zanthoxylum tree will have a very good yield and high economic value.


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