Fourteen Ways for Water-saving Cultivation of Winter Wheat

The conventional management model of winter wheat in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province is 3 to 4 times after returning green to maturity, and the average annual yield is 400 kg. The water-saving cultivation experiment of winter wheat was conducted in the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Shanting District, Zaozhuang City from 2005 to 2009. In the mature stage, only one or two times of water is poured. As a result, more than 450 kilograms of per mu are obtained, which not only yields high yield, but also saves two waters compared to conventional cultivation techniques, and can save water and electricity costs and labor costs by 90 yuan. The main water-saving cultivation technology measures Yes:
First, select improved varieties To achieve a production target of more than 450 kg/mu, choose the varieties that are early-maturing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, large panicle-fed, multi-flowered, medium-grained, and high-water-productivity varieties, and ensure that the varieties are drought-fighting. The decrease in 1000-grain weight was small.
Second, the application of base fertilizer to implement water-saving wheat cultivation, must be based on good soil and fertilizer conditions. Practice has proved that where the level of water-saving wheat production exceeds 450 kg per mu, the soil nutrient content in the plough layer generally needs to reach the following indices: 1.7% organic matter, 0.09% total nitrogen, 70 mg/kg hydrolyzed nitrogen, and rapid effects. Phosphorus 25 mg / kg or more, available potassium 90 mg / kg or more sandy land cultivation. Each acre should be applied organic fertilizer 4000 ~ 5000 kg, or fully decomposed chicken manure 1200 kg, chemical fertilizer pure nitrogen 16 ~ 18 kg, phosphorus 12 kg, potassium 8 kg, zinc sulfate 1 kg, borax 0.8 kg, fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer under the end After pouring all the other half of the ploughing, we poured enough water at the bottom.
III. Concentrated phosphorus application Phosphorus fertilizer is mainly applied to wheat in the whole year, and wheat production is significantly increased. The post-effect of using summer wheat phosphorus fertilizer does not reduce production. Under the conditions of water-saving irrigation, concentrated application of phosphate fertilizer can increase the absorption intensity in the early and middle stages, increase the growth of wheat, and increase the number of mu. Concentrated application of phosphorus is conducive to promoting the root group, increasing the amount of lower roots and expanding the scope of absorption. Phosphorus fertilizer applied to wheat in the whole year can increase the amount of phosphorus uptake in the early and middle period, and later through the redistribution of phosphorus in the body to meet the needs of grain development and grouting.
Fourth, the end of the water pouring bottom enough, the next is the foot of the water-saving wheat high yield cultivation basis. Before planting, watering the bottom of the plant and converting the irrigation water into soil water can be continuously consumed by wheat. In addition, the formation of ripping soil through soil tillage can effectively suppress evaporation of upper layer soil moisture, increase the proportion of actual water consumption, and increase water production efficiency. If summer corn has more precipitation in the growing season, soil moisture may be high during corn harvesting.
Fifth, intensive cultivation of wheat can use deep water, which is the basis for water-saving irrigation in wheat, under high-fertilizer conditions, the root depth of winter wheat can reach 2 to 3 meters, can absorb 1 to 2 meters of deep soil water storage. Therefore, the soil should be deep plowed, usually about 25 centimeters, in order to break the plow bottom layer, which will help the crop roots down. In addition, the four standards of deep, thorough, flat, and clean are also required for site preparation. For long-term straw returning and rotary tillage plots, it is recommended that rotary tillage should be continued for two consecutive years after deep tillage. On the one hand, the straw from rotary tillage can be turned over, so that the organic matter in the cultivated layer can be more uniform, and at the same time it can be improved. Soil structure, deep and round rotation, high yield and stable production.
Sixth, the planting pattern of the summer maize seedlings can be sowed and spaced so that the interplanting corn plots can be planted in two dense and one thin, three dense and one thin or four dense and thin. Such as row spacing can be 12 to 15 cm, intercropping maize spacing can be left 20 to 25 cm, convenient corn planting.
7. Seed treatment, selection of seed, coating or chemical seed dressing to ensure Miao Qi, Miao Zhuang, to prevent soil-borne, species-borne and underground pests. Prevention of wheat sheath blight, root rot and smut, can be used 50% phoxim 100 ml plus 2% ricks show wet mix 150 grams, the amount of water, mixed wheat seed 100 kg; prevention and control of full erosion can be used 3% Difentanil 100 ml plus 2.5% Shilo 15 ml water 150 ml seed dressing 10 kg.
8. Due to late planting, the late sowing of wheat in suitable period has a small amount of growth and a small leaf area, which reduces the water consumption in the years before and early spring. The suitable sowing date for winter wheat water-saving cultivation is from October 6 to 20, which can not only reduce the water consumption before winter, but also provide sufficient time for the summer corn to fully ripen, and increase the yield of summer corn. Suitable sowing time should increase the seeding rate, suitable for basic seedlings from 350,000 to 500,000 per mu. Early sowing before October 5th, high temperature, large evaporation, no water consumption before winter, and summer corn can not be fully mature, there are disadvantages; no sowing after October 20, no water consumption before the winter, but the root system It is difficult to deepen and delay the heading period, which has more harm than good.
Nine, fine seeding According to the basic seedling requirements and seed germination rate to calculate a good sowing amount, spacing 15 to 20 centimeters, regardless of aircraft broadcast, broadcast, before sowing should be adjusted to a good amount of falling seeds. General sowing depth of 3 to 5 cm is appropriate, after pouring water can be mastered in 3 cm, with shallow sowing is appropriate. High-density planting can compensate for the adverse effects of soil moisture deficiency on the number of panicles before jointing, and protect the panicle with seedlings; it can also increase the number of seed roots, improve the distribution of root groups, and improve the use of deep soil water.
X. Soil protection and protection The winter wheat planting adopts ridge suppression, and the ridge back rake soil has good soil conservation effect (not ridge backing), and the surface ramming soil cover is kept for a long period before the winter, early winter and early spring, which can reduce the evaporative water consumption and increase the water consumption. Soil water effectiveness. Loosening soil immediately after watering can significantly reduce evaporation and water consumption.
Eleventh, pre-winter tube protection should be checked immediately after the seedling period, fill seedlings. During the wintering period, winter irrigation is generally not recommended. Only in the special drought year or when the bottom of the plant is sown, the plots with poor bottom water and no headwaters may be suitable for winter irrigation. The irrigation time should be “night freezing and daily consumption”, and the amount of irrigation water should be pourable. It is advisable to seep through the day and it is 40-50 cubic meters per mu. For plots with poor sowing quality, repression before winter can help safe wintering. Autumn wheat field weeds.
XII. There are two types of cover coverage technologies that cover coverage. One is autumn cover, that is, during the growth of autumn harvest crops such as corn and soybeans, wheat stalks that are chopped into about 5 cm are used to cover the fields. The second is the wheat field coverage, generally before wheat emergence after sowing, the wheat field is evenly covered with a layer of straw, covering the amount of 300-350 kg per mu is appropriate.
XIII. Management after returning to youth
1. Early spring tube. When the surface begins to thaw during the spring season, the bamboo leaves and ridges are used to remove dead leaves and debris, and then the cultivator can be used to increase the temperature and ensure the early growth of the seedlings.
2. Suitable for pouring two water. 1 The first water in spring was postponed until the jointing period of wheat to the booting period. From April 20 to 25 in the local area, the average irrigation volume per mu was 50 cubic meters, and 75 kg of ammonium bicarbonate was applied with water. 2Pour the second water during the filling stage of the flowering, that is, from May 23 to 26, it is mainly to supplement the lack of water in the upper layer of the soil during this period, to improve the ability to resist natural disasters such as dry hot wind, and to increase the insurance coefficient of high yield, and thereafter no longer apply irrigation until harvesting. The wheat mainly absorbs the moisture in the soil by the primary roots and the strong root system.
3. Leaf spray fertilizer. In wheat booting and grain filling stage, Huimanfeng leaf fertilizer can be sprayed on the leaves to prevent dry hot wind of wheat.
4. Prevent pests and weeds. Insect pests are mainly red spider mites and wheat bran. In the end of April, the spider mites were controlled. In the middle and late May, wheat bran was controlled and sprayed with 40% omethoate EC 1000 times. The main damages of the grass are lonely loquat, leeks and sow wormwood. In the beginning of April, 72% of 2.4-D butyl ester was used to treat 40 to 50 grams of loquat per acre; 20 grams of benzoxanthine was used to treat leeks and wormwood.
XIV. Timely harvesting of the 1000-grain weight of wheat is the highest at the end of wax production. Harvesting during this period is not only of high yield but also of good quality.

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