Winter greenhouse insulation cultivation leeks technology

Amaranth is the main green and light green leafy vegetable in summer and autumn. It is in high temperature and high humidity environment, and it is not tolerant of low temperature. In case of frost, the stem and leaf are dead. The optimal temperature for growth is 25-30°C, and growth stagnation below 10°C. In winter, it is necessary to adopt greenhouse insulation cultivation. Variety selection choose suitable for local planting varieties of leeks, such as big bone blue, flag leaves, big chicken green and so on. Land fertilization and cultivation of leeks is fast, with strong branching ability, and requires more fertilizer and water, and basal fertilizer should be applied. Generally, 2500-3000 kg of organic fertilizer is used per acre, and 100 kg of grass and wood ash are used. After the mixture is mixed with the soil, it is used to make oysters, which are 20 cm high and 130-150 cm wide. Seed treatment Amaranth seed coat thick and hard, direct seeding germination is relatively slow, in case of continuous low temperature and rainy weather seeds perishable, germination required before sowing. First soaking in warm water at 30°C for 18-20 hours, then wrap it in gauze and place it in a 30°C pregermination box. More than 50% of seeds can be sown white. Sowing planting leeks using greenhouses can achieve annual production and annual supply. The sowing season for winter cultivation can be listed from October to January, December and December to March of the following year. Spreading, drilling can be used, the amount of 1.5-2 kg per acre. Spread 1 cm thick fine soil after spreading. Drilling can open 2-3 cm deep shallow trenches on the surface of the ravine, 15 cm from the trenches, and evenly spread the seeds in the trenches and cover the fine soil. After the broadcast, the surface was covered with shade nets, drenched with water, and the shade nets were removed after emergence. Temperature and humidity management In the winter, greenhouses are cultivated using greenhouses. The temperature inside the greenhouse is low and the humidity is high. In case of prolonged periods of low temperature and rain, it is not conducive to plant growth and development. After the broadcast, the greenhouse should be sealed to ensure that the greenhouse temperature is higher than IO~C to prevent freezing damage. However, the temperature should not be higher than 35oC to prevent the occurrence of diseases. When the humidity in the booth is high, the film ventilation at both ends or around the greenhouse should be promptly opened under the conditions of sufficient sunlight and high temperature. The fertilizer and water management leeks can be harvested many times, and in addition to the application of base fertilizers, fertilizers should be applied in multiple stages. Seedlings can be applied per acre 10% -15% diluted human excrement 1000-1500 kg; when the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, apply 45% per acre compound fertilizer 15-20 kg, urea 3-4 kg; The collection period is 1 time per harvest and 5-8 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per mu. Leeks need a lot of water, they should always be watered to keep the ground moist. Pest control diseases mainly include seedling stage damping-off and stalk rot, mostly caused by low temperature and high humidity. Decreasing the humidity in the shed can reduce the disease. 64% of the virus can be used in the early stage of disease. % Mancozeb Zinc Wettable Powder 500 times spray control. The pests are mainly maggots such as red spider, which can be sprayed with a spray of 1000 times of 73% propargite EC.

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