Ten hypotheses of spontaneous abortion

Infection with HPV virus

You may already know that the HPV virus is related to cervical cancer, and the latest medical findings have also been related to HPV virus and abortion. However, an ordinary Pap smear cannot check whether it has been infected with HPV.

Countermeasures: Women who are preparing to become pregnant must do cervical smears and double HPV DNA tests to protect the health of the cervix as well as to give birth to healthy babies in the future.

Uterine fibroids

Women with uterine fibroids are three times more likely to have spontaneous abortions. Because uterine fibroids will oppress the uterine tissue, so that the uterine cavity deformation, ulceration of the endometrium surface, are not conducive to embryonic development and lead to miscarriage.

Countermeasures: Uterine fibroids can be removed surgery, do not do hysterectomy to maintain fertility.

Intracervical mouth relaxation

This situation easily leads to miscarriage in the middle of pregnancy (about 5 months). Because as the fetus grows, amniotic fluid gradually increases, intrauterine pressure continues to increase, the cervix prominence and cause rupture of the membrane. Cervical laxity is related to previous cervical injury and multiple abortions.

Countermeasures: Cervical cerclage in 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy, or cervical repair in non-pregnancy.

Uterine cavity adhesions

Most women with uterine cavity adhesions have experienced multiple abortions, resulting in severe damage to the endometrium and adhesions, making the uterine cavity shrink, deformation, hardening of the endometrium and affecting embryonic development.

Countermeasures: Comprehensive treatment can be performed by surgery or medication.

Reproductive organs have inflammation

Pre-pregnancy or during pregnancy is infected with viruses, bacteria, parasites, or mold infections, or previous abortions cause fallopian tubes, endometrial inflammation, etc., are likely to lead to miscarriage.

Countermeasures: Do gynecological examination before pregnancy, if there is inflammation of the reproductive organs must first treat and then pregnant.

Endocrine abnormalities

Women's endocrine has always given people a complex and mysterious feeling. Many diseases are related to endocrine disorders, such as high levels of androgen causing a miscarriage; lack of function of the corpus luteum (a substance used to secrete estrogen and progesterone) causes endometrial dysplasia. It can also lead to miscarriage. In addition, thyroid disease and diabetes are the causes of the possibility of miscarriage.

Countermeasures: Blood tests can be used to check the condition of hormones in the body, and endocrine conditioning is performed under the guidance of a doctor.

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