How to eat healthy cereals for different people

The work is usually too busy, can only eat fast food to eat hunger; easy to the weekend, not to eat a meal, how to treat your stomach how to do? I believe that many urbanites will not be unfamiliar with such a diet. However, the diseases caused by excessive intake of nutrients, eating too much, and unreasonable dietary structures are increasing. How to avoid the food that is eaten in the end is “poisoned into a disease” in our body? Lv Xiong, director of the Department of Endocrinal Nutrition and Metabolism at the Second Hospital of Guangdong Province, suggested that he might be an "omnivorous animal" and eat more whole grains.
Fast food + dinner overnutrition over-fine

Professor Lu Xiong, director of the National Endocrine Nutrition and Metabolism Department of the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, pointed out that the popularity of fast food culture has caused many white-collar workers to regularly ingest excessive amounts of nutrients; various kinds of dinners have also caused many people who are busy with socializing for a long time. Eating too much; plus modern people tend to exercise too little, poor digestion, eat the "good things" can not absorb, but turned into toxic substances in the body, and ultimately "breeding into a disease."

Lu Xiong pointed out that the relationship between diet and disease has long been valued in ancient China. “A few thousand years ago, the ancients had already known that eating too well and being too good was also going to cause serious illness. Nowadays, diseases such as diabetes, which are closely related to diet, are very common, which proves that the ancestors’ views are very reasonable.”

Make an "omnivorous animal" on weekends

“The best way to stay away from the diseases caused by improper dietary structures is to eat more whole grains.” Lu Xiong said that what he refers to as “grains and grains” is not grain and grain in a narrow sense, but refers to cereals, Various "omnivorous foods" in the broad sense, such as beans, coarse grains, and wild vegetables.

“Raw sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other coarse grains, sweet potato leaves, pepper leaves, and other wild vegetables are good foods for digesting food for urban people who are usually too delicate to eat. In summer and wet summer, put some glutinous rice in the soup. Lentils, eyebrow beans, red beans, etc., can also play a role in strengthening the spleen, dampness, heat, heat and heat." Lu Xiong said, usually porridge, cooking rice not only with rice, but appropriate to add some corn and other grains or beans Cooked together, both look good and increase nutrition.

Reminder: Special people have to choose

Lu Xiong also reminded that some special populations, such as diabetics and patients with kidney disease, must choose when eating cereals. "Diabetes patients should choose coarse grains with low glycemic index, such as sweet potatoes and pumpkins. People with kidney disease should pay attention to protein intake. When choosing beans, soy and other high protein foods should be reduced."

"The miscellaneous grains do not eat well, but they can't eat too much." Lu Xiong reminded that different grains have different effects and roles, and the suitable population is different. “Chinese medicine believes that different colors of food have different effects. Generally, black enters the kidney, red into the blood, yellow into the spleen, blue into the liver, white into the lungs. Therefore, red dates and other foods are more suitable for women, mung beans, etc. The role of soothing liver and heat."

How to eat different kinds of cereals for men, women and children

1. Children: Diluted

Recommended: mung bean porridge, yam yam powder, wolfberry cake

Pediatrics are often "poorly spleen," and "shaped but not complete," which determines that they need more comprehensive nutrition. In addition to breast milk, porridge and other staple foods, appropriate feeding of infants and young children with cereals, can supplement different nutrition. “If the child starts to drink porridge, he can add some green beans, kelp, red beans, etc. in the porridge. When the heat is hot, he can both relieve summer heat and provide various trace elements.”

"However, children must eat a small amount of cereals, but also to cook a little thin." Lu Xiong reminded that because of children's spleen and stomach function is not good, so when adding coarse grains should be spleen-based, "For example, yam powder is easy to rush Bubbles, also have the effect of spleen; cakes are also very suitable for children to eat, in the ancient court, it is the snacks of the princes and princesses."

2. Old people: dominated by rotten

Recommended: millet porridge, glutinous rice cake

In the elderly, “insufficiency of blood and blood” and “deterioration of body shape”, the functions of the body begin to weaken, and the spleen and stomach are also not good. Therefore, the principle of eating less and eating more should be followed when eating cereals. To facilitate digestion and absorption, we must also pay attention to cook as much as possible, rotten some.

The elderly usually have little activity. Lu Xiong suggests that he can eat grains outside of three meals a day. “For example, I would eat some peanuts, a few glutinous rice cakes, and drink millet porridge.” In addition, the elderly have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There are many diseases, but you can also eat peaches, almonds, and other heart-healthy foods.

3. Women: Nourishing

Recommended: red dates, black beans, AI cake

The greatest physiological characteristic of women is menstruation. Therefore, in addition to staple foods, women can properly eat red dates, wolfberry fruit, red beans, rehmannia, black beans and other foods with blood function, they can be used to soup, porridge can be.

Lu Xiong reminded that women should "clear before the menstruation and fill up afterwards." "Blood-deficient women who have tuned at the end of menstruation often have good absorption effects." He suggests that women can eat red dates, wolfberry fruit, yuan meat soup or boiled eggs after menstruation; if postpartum women need blood, try. For example, the ginger vinegar (pork foot ginger) that Guangdong people like is also included in this category.

4. Male: Stomach-based

Recommended: hawthorn, tangerine peel, buckwheat tea

Males are "masculine bodies," relatively hot, and the average male has a large amount of activity and is in a state of tension for a long time, so the body is also prone to loss. “Modern men are more entertaining and eating, but they are mostly big fish and therefore need to eat more grains.”

Lu Xiong believes that males should pay attention to raising their stomachs. He recommends that men with lots of entertainment should eat foods that help to eliminate spleen and spleen, such as hawthorn cake, bitter buckwheat tea or dried tangerine peel.

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