Woodland orchard balanced growth chicken breeding technology

In recent times, chickens have been cultivated in orchards in the woodland, and chickens have been used for weed control, pest management, and manure accumulation in orchards in the woodlands. The orchards in the woodlands provide suitable lighting and fresh air for the chickens. The weather is more natural and has a cool, cloudy climate. It is a kind of resource recycling. , ecological environment, good economic efficiency breeding mode. However, chickens in orchards in the woodland often have some problems. For example, if chickens are not evenly balanced, even the same batch of chickens of the same sex, the difference in weight at the time of slaughter is as much as 0.5 kg, which is not conducive to all-in and all-out. The economic efficiency of chickens has improved. The reasons and solutions are:

Chicken quality varies. The main reason is that some rural households that do not have the conditions for rearing breeders also breed breeders. Wild breeds are randomly allocated to flood the market at low prices. When these chickens grow up, they form traits that are separated and uneven. Therefore, farmers should not buy such chickens at a low price. In addition, the age of breeders is different, the size of the eggs is uneven, the accumulated temperature of the hatching, the temperature is not the same, and the chickens are also strong and weak.

The density of the house is too large. Woodland chicken orchards are used for stocking in sunny and cloudy days and during the day in the middle and late period of chickens, and should be kept in henhouses during rainy days and nights. Many farmers are brooding henhouses, raising 30 to 40 eggs per square meter, and raising them is still this henhouse. In the event of thunderstorms, the chickens that die and cripple in the rain at night will happen from time to time. Therefore, shelters should be built at least on the scale of 10 per square meter. If the height of the shed is greater than 4 meters, some wooden sticks and bamboo poles can also be used as habitats to reduce ground density from 50 cm to 80 cm above the ground.

Poor management. Some breeders are unrestrained in pursuit of economies of scale, and a group raises thousands. Many farmers do not feed their animals throughout the day. Instead, they are fed two or three times a day and only one person feeds them. Thousands or even thousands of chickens flocked to each other when they were feeding, colliding and stamping on each other. Each feeding would cause several broken-winged and kicked legs. Strong chickens and big chickens are full. Weak chickens and chickens do not have enough food to eat. They should be grouped according to the male and female size at the beginning of the brooding, and no more than 1,000 animals per group. Many examples prove that the profits of 1000 bunches are more than 3,000 bunches.

The amount of commercial feed is not enough. The number of weeds, leaves, and insects in the woodland orchards is limited, and the utilization rate of some fresh grasses is only 10% to 20%. There are also some toxic, harmful, and barbed chickens that cannot be eaten. The reason why the fresh grasses eaten by chickens on the low beach grassland does not exceed 200 kg per 667 square meters per year is due to the high density of chickens and the continuous feeding of chickens. The ability to regenerate edible wild grasses is very low. reason. Even if the chicken leaves are fed, about 10,000 kilograms of leaves fall every 667 square meters. Some leaves and fruit chickens do not eat. As for insects, the density of insect populations will only be reduced because of the chickens, often less than 100 kilograms per 667 square meters of woodland orchards. If 1,000 chickens are stocked on 3335 square meters of woodland. Each year, 3 batches of 3,000 are raised. The average amount of weeds, insects and leaves eaten by chickens is 2 grams per day, which accounts for about 2% of the average feed intake of chickens. Overestimating the number of wild foods will inevitably reduce the input of commercial feed. The consequence is that strong chickens are raised and weak chickens are raised to “small” ones. Therefore, chickens in woodland orchards must be supplemented with commercial feeds based on actual conditions.

Increased incidence of disease. There are many wild birds in the orchard, many wild birds in contact, bird flu, fowl cholera, parrot fever, chickenpox prevention and control situation is grim; the incidence of locusts, aphids, and trematodes transmitted by soil and insects is also greatly increased. Once the chicken is infected, it grows slowly. Therefore, a conventional slow-growing broiler immunization program should be performed, and the insects should be repelled twice at the age of 40 days and 70 days.

Years of continuous feeding. Woodland orchards continue to feed continuously for many years, fresh grass and insect resources are less and less, and parasites, pathogens, etc. will be more and more. Therefore, it is better to raise chickens in woodland orchards using intermittent methods. In the harsh winter or hot summer, the woodland orchard where the chickens are kept is shallowly turned, and chicken manure (parasites, pathogens) is turned into the soil to sow the seeds. Artificial or herbicides are used to eradicate weeds and shrubs that are harmful to fruit trees and chickens, such as buckwheat, aconite, wild poppy, stellera venom, poisonous celery, pig kidney Beans, drunk horse grass, oleander, cocklebur, and spleen , cranes and mandala etc. After such treatment, one or two months after the chicken, you can receive better feeding results.

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