The common diseases of the mushroom

I. Prevention of pests and diseases of Mushrooms

1. Environmental aspects: The mushroom house and the bed frame must be strictly sterilized and insecticided. During the cultivation of mushrooms, heat preservation, moisturizing, ventilation, and ventilation work should be done as much as possible.
2. Raw materials: The quality of the culture materials must meet the requirements. Do not use raw, rotten and fermented raw materials that have been rained. When handling raw materials, you must master the pH of the culture material.
3. Management: In the daily management work must be careful and careful, more inspections, ground observation, timely detection of pests and diseases, and eliminate it in the initial stage.

Second, the prevention and treatment of the main mushroom

1. Mold. The fungus grows on the surface of the culture material and competes with the mushroom to compete for nutrients and moisture, and some secrete substances that hinder the growth of Pleurotus eryngii. Mushroom high temperature, high temperature, poor ventilation is the cause of the development of mold. Therefore, the mushroom room should pay attention to ventilation, adjust the room temperature and humidity, keep the air fresh. Once the mold, mold can be used to remove mold cultivation The material can also be thinly sprinkled with lime powder on mold to kill mold.
2. Coprinus agaricus. When the quality of the culture material is poor, the PH value is high, the ventilation is poor, and when the humidity is high, the coprinus agaricus is easily produced. Therefore, for the above reasons, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention once it is generated.

III. Prevention and control of major pests of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Mushroom fly. The main cause of damage to Pleurotus eryngii is its larvae, fly maggots. The fly larvae invade the stipe first, then gradually transfer to the cap, and the fruit body is split into countless holes. When the fly maggot occurs, the water can be properly stopped, allowing the bed surface to dry, causing the worms to die in the absence of water. 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 25 grams of white sugar, 0.25 milliliters of dichlorvos, and 1000 milliliters of water can be used for killing.
2. Apes. Most crickets use hyphae to feed on them. They are very harmful. If they are found, they can be killed by 1:000 times triclosan or 1:800 times killing solution.

Fourth, harvest and preservation

The fruiting body is marked with a flag leaf length of 2-3 cm. The edge of the cap is rolled inwards. The spores are not yet ejected and harvested. It is appropriate for the mushroom to grow. When harvesting, the whole bunch must be harvested and the mushrooms must be collected in time after harvesting. Eliminate debris on the stipe, and cut off part of the stipe according to the requirements of the commodity, and detect the fruit body damaged by damage and pests.
Fresh mushrooms can be stored in simple packaging, cold storage, and low-temperature storage. Among them, simple packaging mainly uses plastic food boxes for packaging, which is simple, easy, and low cost. This method is used for short-term storage needs, combined with storage in cold storage, generally can be maintained for 10 days without deterioration, appearance and morphology are basically unchanged. (This article is provided by Han Chaozheng, Institute of Edible Fungi, Binhai County, Jiangsu Province; 0515---4103012 13851113822)

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