Identification and correction of wheat deficiency disease

A deficiency of nitrogen: the plants are short and thin, with slow growth, narrow leaves, and light green leaves. In severe cases, the leaves turn yellow from the base upwards, leading to desiccation and dryness, with no more tillers, fewer secondary roots, and weak stems.
Correction: Nitrogen deficiency at the seedling stage and returning to the green stage, 5 kg of urea can be applied per acre, and 10-15 kilograms can be applied at the jointing stage.
Phosphorus deficiency: Wheat seedlings grow slowly, leaves appear dark green, dull, new leaves blue-green, purple tips, thin stems, fewer tillers, roots dysplasia, heading and flowering delay, wheat empty grains increased, 1000-grain weight decreased .
Corrective: Phosphorus deficiency at seedling stage, superphosphate 35-40 kg per acre can be traced; in the late stage of phosphorus deficiency, in the early stage of booting and flowering, 200-250 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre is sprayed on a 50 kg leaf of water. Spray it once every 7-10 days. Spray 2-3 times.
Deficiency potassium: The tips of the lower leaves of the young wheat seedlings and the leaf margins turn yellow first, and then gradually turn brown. It looks like a fire-like, and when the leaves are dry, the stems are small and delicate and easy to fall down.
Correction: Apply 10 kg of potassium chloride or 50 kg of plant ash per acre during the seedling stage; spray 50 kg of a 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution in the middle and late stages of wheat growth. Spray once every 7-10 days. , spray 2-3 times.
Four zinc deficiency disease: wheat seedling leaves chlorosis, heart whitening, mid and late plant dwarf, small and brittle leaves, roots turn yellow, more empty grains, 1000-grain weight is low.
Correction: 150-200g of zinc sulphate is sprayed on 50kg of water in the seedling and jointing stages.

Green Peas, According to the color of their cotyledons, Peas are divided into two types: green skin, green peas, and green skin yellow peas. Green peas are green-green peas. Peas in northeast China are the most famous. It is one of China's important food crops. It has a history of 5,000 years of cultivation. Our company can provide two different frozen peas to meet the needs of different people.
The effect and effect of green peas
Daily green peas can provide catechins and epicatechins as two kinds of flavonoid antioxidants. When people get older, there will be more and more free radicals in the body. Free radicals and aging are positively related. Nutrition in green beans can resist. Free radical-induced diseases, delaying the speed of body aging, as well as anti-inflammatory, spectral antibacterial effects.
Kidneys of green peas
[Appropriate population] Green peas are suitable for menopausal women, diabetes and cardiovascular patients, and mental workers and dieters are also very suitable for eating green Peas. These people can eat green beans to improve disease and physical condition.
[Contrained people] People with severe liver disease, peptic ulcer, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, gout, low iodine and other diseases are not to eat green peas, so as not to aggravate the condition.

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