Use and increase of biopotash fertilizer

Applicable areas and crops. Applicable to potassium-deficient farmland, high-yield farmland and hi potassium crops. It is particularly suitable for crops with high water and fertilizer (high nitrogen and phosphorus) high yield areas, such as wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, greenhouses or open field vegetables, melons, watermelons, fruit and other crops. However, the use of hillsides and slopes is less effective and the amount of application must be increased. Application techniques and methods. It is mainly used for seed dressing, stubble root, hole application, furrow application and topdressing of crop seeds. Remember to inoculate locally, that is, biological potassium fertilizer dressing or applied to the roots of the crop in order to play a huge role. Its method: (1) seed dressing. Live seed crops such as wheat, corn, rice, soybean, sorghum, cotton, and peanuts can be seed-dressed. Amount of 500 ~ 1000 grams of acres, such as the biological potash 500 grams of water, add 250 grams of water, add the seeds and mix well, so that each seed are sticky agent, on the indoor or shed can be planted with a little dry. (2) acupuncture points. Acupoint application is as a basal or seed fertilizer application. Sweet potatoes, flue-cured tobacco, melons, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and other crops, transplanted or transplanted before the application of biological potash potassium, acres of 1000 ~ 2000 grams, mixed fine soil 10 ~ 20 kg, applied into the hole potato, rice, Onions, etc. transplanted or transplanted when applied, that is, with 500 grams of bio-potassium fertilizer, add 15 to 20 kg of water, open and mix after the roots. (4) ditch application. Fruit trees are generally applied in the fall or early spring. Should be based on the size of the canopy, 1.5 to 2.5 meters away from the tree, 15 meters in depth of the ring tree ditch, with 1 to 2 kg of biological potash mixed fine 15 to 20 kg of soil, the fungus spread in the ditch and then cover the soil. (5) Fertilizer. Small seeds, such as sesame, canola, sugar beets, etc., can be mixed at the same time with the seed and the seed. (6) Dressing. Watermelon, melon, eggplant, pepper, tomato, etc. can be applied to the root of biological potassium fertilizer. Apply crops and increase yield. According to the latest promotion practice, with the application of bio-potassium fertilizer, soybeans can increase production by 27.1%, wheat production by 17.1% on average, peanuts by 30.31%, maize by 14.2%, cotton by 15.5%, sweet potato by 20.2%, and potato by 21.8. %, flue-cured tobacco can increase production by 14.3%, watermelon can increase production by 33.6%, melon can increase production by 25.6%, watermelon can be sweetened by 1.5 to 2 degrees, tomato can increase by 37%, and vegetables such as pepper, eggplant, cucumber, cabbage, cabbage, and kidney bean can be Increase production by 10% to 55%.

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