Hill Tomato Cultivation Technology

Due to its good quality, high yield, good prices, and simple cultivation techniques, mountain tomatoes have a high degree of enthusiasm for planting. The following briefly introduces the main cultivation techniques.
1. Plots and varieties The plots used for the cultivation of mountain tomatoes should be selected between 450m and 750m above sea level. Semi-yin and half sunslopes are suitable. Plots with relatively flat terrain and a soil thickness of more than 50 cm are appropriate. The varieties of mountain tomatoes should be selected from heat-resistant, disease-resistant, large-fruited and mid-late-maturing varieties. Such as hair powder 802, 903, 906 and so on.
2. Nursery
2.1 Seed treatment soaked in warm water at 55 °C for 15 minutes, soaking and then soaking in warm water of 25 °C for 5 to 6 hours after sowing, or soaking with 10% trisodium phosphate 100 times for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with water 3 to 4 times, soak 5 to 6 hours, sowing.
2.2 sowing general sowing period before May 10, 667 square meters breeding area of ​​10 square meters, before sowing, choose a thick layer of soil, good drainage block for rake, rake width 1 ~ 1.2 meters, rammed within the shop sieving The nutrient soil is 8 to 10 cm thick (composed farmyard manure, with a ratio of soil to soil ratio of 1:1), leveled, and irrigated with water. When the water seeps, 40% carbendazim 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times, is used. The surface was sprayed and disinfected, and then the soil was sown with a thickness of 1 cm. The surface was covered with newspapers, covered with arches, and drains were made.
2.3 Seedling Management When the seedlings are unearthed, the newspapers should be promptly removed (to be performed sooner or later). The seedlings are generally not watered. The main work is to sprinkle the soil seedlings, generally 2 to 3 times, each time 1 cm, followed by ventilation and hardening seedlings. Generally, 2 cotyledons of seedlings are unfolded, and the seedbed should be maintained at 28 to 30°C, from 2 cotyledons to 2 leaves and 1 heart. The seedbed temperature is preferably 22 to 25°C. After that, the film is gradually removed depending on the weather conditions.
3. Cultivation management
3.1 Land preparation for cultivation of mountain tomatoes. It is better to deepen the sun in the autumn and make the spring fine. Before the planting, 10-15 days before planting, the ditch should be vertical along the slope (contour line), and the ditch (ridge distance) should be 60 cm. Ditch depth of 18 to 20 cm, according to the 667 square meters of high quality farmyard fertilizer 2,000 kg, 15 to 20 kg of ammonium phosphate, two times in a row, so that soil can be mixed.
3.2 Planting Planting in the middle or late of June, choose cloudy or afternoon ditch planting, planting in the ditch with water, plant spacing 25 to 30 cm, planting density of 3,500 to 4,000 plants at 667 square meters.
3.3 After cultivating and planting, timely cultivating, cultivating and promoting easing of seedlings, continuous cultivating 3 to 4 times, after each drop of 1 rain, cultivator should be performed once to reduce the closure of the soil after rain, so as not to affect the normal metabolism of the root, enhance Plant resistance lays the foundation for high yields.
3.4 Dressing soil When the plants grow to 30-40 cm, forced fertilization between the plants, 667 square meters chase urea 15-20 kilograms, then cultivated, soil height 15-20 centimeters, in order to facilitate the increase of the root system. By top-dressing soil, entering the rainy season can satisfy the supply of nutrients above the ground.
3.5 After sprayed with fertilizer, every 7 to 8 days after spraying, the seedlings are sprayed with 1 nutrient solution. Generally, two formulas are used: one is a mixture of 3 urea plus 2 cesium dihydrogen phosphate; the other is 1 ‰. A mixture of copper sulphate and 1 ‰ zinc sulphate is sprayed. When used, the two formulas are preferably used interchangeably to supplement the deficiency of nutrients and moisture.
In mountainous areas with irrigation conditions, when the first panicle and the second panicle grow to 3 cm in diameter, they can be top-dressed once, and no watering is required in other periods.
4. The adjustment of the plant adopts single stem pruning, leaving 3 ear fruit per plant, leaving 2 to 3 leaves on the fruit to carry out topping to ensure the nutrient supply of the third ear fruit and prevent sunburn. For the lateral branch of the plant, the first ear should be taken. Leaving the next branch and leaving large cockroaches on the other side branches will erase it, which will help increase the local thickening of the first protuberance and increase the fruit setting rate. Remove the growth point when the larvae grow to 3-4 leaves.
5. Decorating fruits and fruits of preserved fruit and fruit is an important measure to improve the yield and commercial quality of the tomato. When the plants blossom 3 to 4 flowers per ear, spray a drop or Shennong 2 at a concentration of 2510e. -6. Generally, the first ear of a mountain tomato leaves 3 to 4 fruit, the second ear leaves 5 to 6 fruits, and the third ear leaves 4 to 5 fruits. Other flowers and small fruits are removed in time.
6. Harvesting of harvested mountainous tomatoes is generally started in mid-August. By the end of October, the output of 667 square meters can reach 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms. Due to the gradual fall in autumn temperature, the fruit is red from the inside, and if the epidermis is completely red, it will be inconvenient to transport and affect the results.
7. Disease
7.1 Viral Diseases Tomato cultivation in mountainous regions, because of the production of natural rainfall, the cultivated land virus is prone to occur. In addition to selecting good plots, it is also necessary to control the medium of virus transmission “stagger”. Control methods: First, use 800 ~ 1000 times dimethoate spray control; Second, through rotation and strengthen the cultivation and management, improve the plant's own resistance, reduce the incidence of viral disease. If a diseased plant is found, it must be removed promptly. The virus was sprayed with a800-1000 times solution.
7.2 Epidemics In July and August, the city was hot and rainy. The early and late epidemics of mountain tomatoes were prone to occur. During this time, 400 times of antivirus plus 25 grams of urea spray was available, and 667 square meters of medication amounted to 15 kilograms. Or thiophanate-methyl spray 800 to 1000 times to control the occurrence of disease.
7.3 Leaf mold The occurrence of tomato leaf mold in mountainous areas is mainly from mid-August to early September. During this time, the temperature drops quickly after rain, and the fog is highly humid. When the air humidity reaches above 90%, it occurs. During this time, attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of leaf mold. Spraying of 800-1000 times of Botrytis lucidum No. 1 can be used to prevent diseases and improve yield.

Horse Oil: History and Production

Before gaining popularity as a beauty product, horse oil was used as a [folk medicine" in the days of ancient China. Believed to be a remedy for burns, insect bites, cuts, asthma, foot fungus, and even hair loss, the miracle oil was supposedly first brought to Japan over 1,000 years ago. Because its properties are similar to the oils naturally produced by human skin, it is easily absorbed by the skin and is safe for people all ages, including infants. Due to its effectiveness as a moisturizing agent and anti-irritant, horse oil became especially popular in Hokkaido, as it protects the skin from the region`s harsh climate and cold, dry air. The vast expanse of land in the region made it easy to farm horses for the oil.

The product is made by extracting the oils from horse fat. Horses are regularly farmed and raised for their meat in Japan, which is served in the form of basashi (raw horse), so the animals are not slaughtered solely for the purpose of a skincare product. Rather, they are farmed for food, and their oil is a byproduct of this process.

Horse Oil

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