Prevention of Common Pests in Greenhouses

The common pests in greenhouses are grasshoppers, red spiders, whiteflies, root lice, and hoppers. The control methods are as follows:

The roundworm body is yellowish-green and oblong, with three pairs of feet and a very small size. Mostly concentrated in the leaves, the back of the leaves or on the stem of the damage. The control can spray 50% dimethoate or quebracho 1000 to 1500 times liquid.

The red spider's body is red, nearly round, and has four pairs of feet. It crawls well and is smaller than aphids. Red spider mainly damages the leaves, and the affected leaves appear green spots. It turns yellow and withered when severe. Oxy-dimethoate or dimethoate can be sprayed 1000 times during control.

Whitefly is similar in size to aphids, but the body surface is covered with a white waxy layer and the compound eye is red. Adults have a pair of wings. Sexually active, frightened and good after flying. Whitefly not only damages the leaves and fruits, but also excreta can contaminate the surface of the leaves and fruits, causing mold reproduction, and has a great influence on the quality of agricultural products. Spray 5000ml of nelsonin in control.

Grasshoppers are the larvae of the flies. They have a milky-white head with a thick tail and a cylindrical shape. The body surface is smooth and full. The root cause is mainly harmful to the roots of leeks and green onions. After the leeks were damaged, the roots rotted and the leaves above the ground withered and died. Control can be used 90% trichlorfon 800 times or 1000 times malathion 1000 Irrigation.

The worm body is small, dark brown and has a bullet at the end of the abdomen. It is extremely lively and jumps. In the greenhouse, the leaves of the seedlings of the cucumber are mainly harmed. When the leaves of the cucumber seedlings are damaged, yellowish spots appear, and small holes appear in severe cases. When used for prevention and control, 1000 times of dichlorvos may be sprayed on the surface of the plant or the leaves of the plant.

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