The United States invented the "tongue driving system"

Release date: 2008-07-08

The United States invented the "tongue driving system"
It is generally necessary to rely on two hands for the disabled to control the wheelchair. What should I do if I lose my hand? American scientists have developed a miniature magnet sensing device that allows people with severe disabilities to control their wheelchairs and computers with just the tip of their tongue, without the help of Others.
According to British media reports, the research team led by Professor Gowanlu of the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States will only implant a magnet of rice-sized size under the tongue of a disabled person. When the tongue moves out of the track, the magnetic field will be worn by the user's head. The sensor receives and transmits the radio signal to a portable computer that is placed on the user's clothing or in a wheelchair. Even more amazing is that the computer system can also identify each user's unique tongue movement according to the program.
Gowanlu said: "Users can train our system to recognize the instructions that each tooth represents." Professor Gowanlu said: "We chose the tongue to operate the system because the tongue is through a skull and nerves. Directly connected, unlike the hands and feet are controlled by the brain via the spinal nerves; the cranial nerves are generally protected from severe spinal nerve damage or damage caused by neuromuscular lesions. In addition, the tongue moves quickly and accurately, and does not require much thinking. Concentrate or make too much effort."
It is reported that the researchers have tested this "tongue driving system" on 12 healthy volunteers, and now plan to test among people with severe disabilities. Professor Gowanlu said that the device will help severely disabled people with severe spinal nerves to regain their rich, active and independent lives. ——Shanghai Medical Device Industry Association

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