Citrus harvesting and storage

Citrus harvesting and storage

In order to increase the harvesting and storage quality of citrus and extend the preservation time, it is necessary to have a good grasp of key technical links to reduce the fruit rotting rate to the lowest value and ensure economic benefits.

First, harvest

1. Advocate timely harvesting to prevent vicious premature mining

According to the varieties of citrus and the requirements of the city, it can be divided into two standards of ripe harvesting and storage and harvesting. In order to maintain the image of citrus in our city and improve the quality of oranges, we must eliminate the phenomenon of vicious early harvest. Ripening harvesting refers to harvesting when the appearance and endoplasmic quality of the fruit have reached the inherent quality characteristics of the variety. Citrus stevia in our city is usually sold side-by-side and is usually harvested with good ripeness; Values ​​暮笫 暮笫 暮笫 暮笫 暮笫 埃 埃 埃 埃 埃 埃 埃 埃 ??? 埃 成熟 成熟 成熟 ripe when harvested, after storage for sale.

2, according to market requirements, the implementation of grading recovery

Citrus sales according to different market requirements, according to the size of the fruit and the degree of color classification packaging, classified sales. When harvesting, Huang Liuqing should be selected, first outside and then inside, and then in batches from top to bottom. Do not mix the size of the fruit, do not force the whole tree to harvest at the same time.

3, improve the quality of harvest, reduce fruit damage

Harvesting should be done: a harvester should cut nails, wear gloves, from outside to inside, use "a fruit and two cuts" method harvesting (the first cut with the handle cut, the second cut in the In the case of a wounded pedicle, Pingguoti cuts the handle;) The bamboo baskets, bamboo rims, and inner walls of the second fruit picking are lined with canvas or linen, preferably in a plastic turnover box. Clean, smooth, no protrusions; three fruits should be handled gently to prevent bruising; four to avoid harvesting in dew, rain, and high temperatures.

It is best to use a turnover box for the shipment of fruit. During the transportation process, do not pile up too much. Reduce the shaking, reduce the extrusion, and prevent fruit from injury.

Second, storage

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1, warehouse preparation

There are many types of storage, according to the actual situation of farmers and farmers in our city, normal temperature storage is usually used. Normal temperature storage does not require special equipment. General houses and ordinary warehouses can be used, but the warehouse should be selected at locations not in the west, within the warehouse It is well ventilated and does not leak. The fruit pile will not be exposed to direct sunlight. Two weeks before the storage of citrus, use sulphur powder (10 g/m3) to seal and fumigate for 24 hours, then ventilate and ventilate for 48 hours or more.

2, fruit processing

(1) Dip fruit: The post-harvesting fruits should be sterilized in a timely manner, mainly through prochloraz treatment to prevent decay. The method is to use every kilogram of fruits: 50ml of Prochloraz, 50g of 50g, 2.4g of 15g, and 120kg of water. The fruit was immersed for 1 minute, allowed to dry and then stored in storage.

(2) Pre-storage: The fruits dried after fruit sterilizing treatment are stored in batches with disinfected turnover boxes (channels are to be left in the middle), and the fruits can also be stacked directly on the sterilized straw. The straw thickness should reach 5 Above centimeters, stacking thickness is controlled within 30 cm. Keep the room well ventilated and store it for 5-7 days.

(3) Bagging: In order to reduce the rate of fruit rot and prevent fruit from drying out, after 5-7 days of pre-storage, single fruit bagging is performed using a special citrus bag. When bagging, remove the wounded fruit, disease and fruit, and deformed fruit. Simultaneously grading the fruit by size.

(4) Storage: The fruits after bagging should be put in storage in time, and can be stored in sterilized turnover boxes in different grades, stacked according to the conditions of library type, leaving a 50 cm wide channel between the stacks, and keeping a distance of 30 cm from the wall; The fruit is directly stacked on the sterilized straw. The thickness of the straw should reach 5 cm or more, and the stacking thickness should be controlled within 30 cm.

3, temperature and humidity control

Within 1-2 weeks after fruit storage, due to the high temperature in the room, the fruit respiration is vigorous, and it is easy to form high temperature and humidity, causing rot, requiring day and night ventilation, reducing the temperature and humidity. However, when the outdoor temperature is too high during the sunny day, doors and windows should be properly closed during the day to prevent hot air from entering the warehouse. At night, the windows should be opened for ventilation to reduce the temperature. When the temperature is 4-10°C, choose sunny days and breeze at noon for ventilation. Qi; When the temperature drops below 4°C, pay attention to closing doors and windows to prevent cold winds from blowing into the frostbite.

4, timely inspection

After the fruit is put into storage, it is best not to turn it at will, but it should be checked once every 10 days and it is found that the rotting fruit is removed in time, which can reduce the chance of infection and reduce the incidence of fruit. (Hubei Dangyang Agriculture 110 Zhu Liqing)

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