Eat more cool vegetables in summer can relieve heat

“Wetness” is divided into internal and external, and external humidity refers to the surrounding environment with much moisture and moisture, which is often measured by the humidity of the air. Internal wetness refers to the fact that the body's moisture cannot be excreted normally and stays in the body too much. Therefore, People with wetness have signs of edema. Generally referred to as damp heat refers to the dampness of the spleen and stomach, resulting in loss of appetite in the summer, loss of physical strength, causing burnout, poor appetite, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and other symptoms.

After Shushi invades the human body, it will sweat too much and cause qi deficiency. It will also cause spleen and stomach dysfunction and indigestion. Excessive consumption of meat foods will cause the body to become acidic, with more internal heat. Proper intake of cold vegetables is beneficial to thirst-quenching, ridiculing hot weather, clearing away heat and diarrhea, and detoxification. For example, we often eat cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, mung bean sprouts, spinach, Chinese cabbage, white radish, melon, gourd, bitter gourd, eggplant, spinach, cabbage, rape, lettuce, leeks, seaweed and so on. However, those who suffer from chronic illness and physical weakness should not eat more cold vegetables in order to avoid cold and cold.

Sweating is the way the body dissipates heat, so summer can't be greedy and cool. It's a good way to cool with heat and heat. The human body is distributed with about 3 million sweat glands. The discharge of sweat has the effect of regulating body temperature, and it also discharges part of the metabolic waste. Nowadays, the application of air conditioners is becoming more and more popular. For people who have been in a stable temperature environment for a long time, the sweat glands are almost idle. Even if the sweating season is not enough, they are not sweating, which is harmful to health and unprofitable.

If the sweat glands are poor, they lose an important detoxification pipeline and lose an important line of defense against the disease. From the law of the four seasons and the laws of life, sweating occurs when sweating. Because sweating can play a role in relieve heat, it can be properly exercised to allow normal excretion of water in the body under the premise of sufficient drinking water.

In summer, cucumbers, loofahs, bitter gourds, chayote, pumpkins, wax gourds and other melons are on the market. They have high water content, high potassium and low sodium, and are suitable for summer people to rehydrate and drain after sweating. The inorganic salt. In particular, bitter gourd, it not only clears heat, lacks labor, but also increases appetite and refreshes. Melon vegetables can be cold, can be fried, but also soup, you can also cook with meat, fish, crisp and refreshing.

It is vital to ensure adequate sleep in hot summer days. Only good sleep can provide sufficient energy and strength to withstand the sun. People who do not sleep well are more likely to feel tired and unwell under the hot sun. In addition, the quiet and natural cool, as long as the heart calms down, it can withstand hot and humid attacks. In the blazing sun, the word "quiet" is an important secret to health. All men, women and children should maintain a quiet attitude.

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