Three-ported crab crab cultivation techniques

Cultivation technology

The cultivation conditions of the crab are basically similar to those of the shrimp culture, and there are two points to pay attention to.
One is that when selecting aquaculture sites, the composition of the substrate should be suitable for sandy and sandy sediments, and it is not advisable to build pools with complete shale sediments.
The second is to increase the concealment facilities in the rearing pool, usually using a tile to build a “person” shape structure on the bottom of the pool for the purpose of hiding when the shuttle crab is shelled, reducing the residual food rate and increasing the survival rate.

Development process

Desilt the entire pool → Qingchi detoxification → put concealed items → filter into the water →
Fertilizing culture basic bait organisms → stocking → breeding management → harvesting

Feeding Water Quality Management Daily Observations

Feed and feed

Because the crabs have the habit of feeding and feeding, feeding should be done in the morning and early evening. To feed on a regular basis, baits are usually placed in shallow water areas around the pond in order to check food intake and prevent sediment pollution. Crab-like crabs like to eat fresh shellfish and fish and shrimp, but also can feed on compound feed. The food intake differs depending on the size of the individual, the water temperature, and the water quality conditions. In general, the initial feeding amount is 100% of the total weight (secondary juvenile crabs) and gradually falls to 5-7% of the rearing period. Usually, the feeding amount is adjusted every 10 days for each feeding. The last feeding was limited to no residual baits.

Disease prevention and treatment

Up to now, no serious infectious disease has been found in the culture of swimming crabs. However, in the culture ponds that deteriorated at the bottom of the pond, it was discovered in the winter that it was due to biological parasitism. Black spots appeared on the white parts of the shell and the ventral limbs. Disease. There is no good treatment and it can be prevented by improving the environmental conditions in the culture pond.

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