Key Cultivation Techniques of Sweet Corn Winter

1, pay attention to the election. Irrigation and drainage conditions should be selected for the cultivation of land above moderate fertility, ideal for paddy field after autumn harvest. 2, mulching and seed treatment. Film mulching cultivation can maintain moisture, increase production, and can be matured earlier. Seed treatment with seed coating before sowing has a certain effect on prevention and control of some pests and rodents, and improves seedling rate. 3, rational close planting, improve the quality of sowing. Sweet corn is weak due to emergence and top soil, and the cover soil should not be too thick. Fertilizer should be used as seed fertilizer. Fertilizer should not be in direct contact with seeds, but it can be covered with organic fertilizer. The amount of seed used for winter sowing should be larger than that for summer and autumn sowing. The seeds should be seeded with 3 seeds per hole to facilitate a full seedling and Qimiao seedling. 4, early fertilizer, early management. Covering cultivation with mulching film, one-time fertilization should be applied for more than 75% of the fertilizer for the whole growing period at the time of sowing, and the rest should be applied when cultivating the soil. If the soil is not ploughed, it can be used for drilling and fertilizing between the two corns. If the seedlings are transplanted without covering the mulch, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied early to promote the plants to grow robustly and improve their ability to resist drought and resist cold. 5. Interlaced male, artificially assisted pollination. When the parietal lobes stand upright and the tassels bulge, the male flowers are removed 2-3 lines at a time, and 1-2 leaves are better to pull together. After silking, artificial pollination is used to make sweet corn spear 2 - 3 days, mature sooner. The emasculated kernels were fuller and more glossy, and there was no baldness in the ear, which greatly increased the commodity rate. 6, pest control disease. Sweet corn is vulnerable to early corn borers and should be treated as soon as possible. The use of methamidophos and each of 0.2 kg of dimethoate per acre was used to compose the toxic soil, and it was put directly into the heart and leaves during the large bell-mouth period of corn. The control effect was good. Sweet corn is easy to infect small and large spot diseases. The control method is, in addition to not serious seeding and seed disinfection before planting, post-planting should strengthen management, give enough fertilizer, promote healthy growth of plants, and increase resistance to disease. China Agricultural Network Editor

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