Fruit trees increase production

l. Peach self-cultivation method for spring transplanting 1 meter tall seedlings, leaving a tree bar growing thicker, the next spring to leave the second article, the first l fruit to be harvested after harvest, the third year can be The fruit was harvested from the second shoot and the cycle was repeated. Advantages of this method: short time, easy rotation, branch height lower than the conventional one meter, easy to harvest, high yield, large fruit type. 2. The special irrigation method does not water the deciduous fruit trees in the spring, making the fruit trees grow short. In this way, a large amount of pruning is reduced and fruit yield is increased, because no watering in the spring can inhibit cell growth, watering in the summer can promote fruit growth, so that 20% of the water is poured less, and fruit trees can increase production by 20%. 3, the pear tree seedling transplanting method of scientific and technological personnel experiments found that the main branch of pear seedlings can grow quickly after erecting, for this reason to create a pear tree line seedling transplanting method. This method has two years earlier than the traditional cultivation method and has a high yield. The method is: to set a 4-meter-high pile every 6 meters, tying several wires between piles and piles, using about 1 meter of big seedlings, transplanting under the iron wire, 1 meter spacing, 2 rows for planting. When the seedlings gradually grow taller, their branches are fixed on the wire, and water and fertilizer management is strengthened. The result can be achieved after 2 years. 4. Pyramid pruning fruit experts can maintain high yields for 10-20 years after rejuvenation of older apples. The method is to cut out the upright shoots that grow vigorously, reshape the old tree, promote the nutrition in the tree to concentrate on the lower non-upright shoots, make it grow well, and sprout more fruit branches. China Agricultural Network Editor

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