Autumn and winter orchard pest control six methods

1. Soil treatment: After deciduous fruit trees, deeper orchard soil. This measure can not only eliminate weeds and dead leaves, but also cause soil pests to be turned into the soil and suffocate. 2. Pre-winter irrigation: Before winter, watering in time can eliminate the overwintering pests in the soil, and can also ensure that the fruit tree roots have enough growth to facilitate safe wintering. 3. Sweeping orchards: In the fall, after the fruit trees are defoliated, they must be cleaned in time, and the diseased branches and stems should be removed in time with the winter shears. In addition, it is necessary to combine the measures to scrape the bark to remove pathogens and eggs that remain on the tree. The cleaned leaves, weeds, diseased branches, diseased fruits, etc. were collected and burned out of the park or were fattened. 4. Artificial pest control: Organize humans into the orchard, pick up ground pests, and concentrate deeply. 5. The trunk is painted white: This measure can prevent the sun from freezing, and it can eliminate the eggs of pathogens. The whitening measures can be carried out after the trunk is shaved. If a total amount of 0.1% of a 40% phoxim emulsion is added to the whitening agent, the pest control effect is better. 6. Spraying control: In the early spring, insecticides can be sprayed when pests start to produce fleas. For example, spurt sulfur can both kill insects and prevent disease. In short, through the above measures, we only have to take advantage of this weak link in the overwintering of pests to prevent and control them in an all-round way, which can have a multiplier effect.

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