Not available fresh sorghum and corn seedlings to feed livestock

In the sorghum and corn growing season, pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock eat fresh sorghum and corn seedlings, poisoning occurs, it will affect the growth of livestock, but it can lead to the death of livestock. Therefore, it is not possible to feed livestock with fresh sorghum and corn seedlings. Livestock eaten with high sorghum and corn seedling poisoning, there are generally three situations in rural areas: First, farmers in the highlands and cornfield seedlings, the fresh sorghum and corn seedlings to take home to feed pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock Second, free-range pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock enter the sorghum or cornfields and feed on fresh sorghum and corn seedlings. Third, due to feed shortage, use fresh sorghum and corn seedlings as green feed, feed pigs and cattle. Sheep and other livestock. As far as fresh sorghum and maize seedlings are concerned, it contains a substance called cyanogenic acid without any toxicity. However, when pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals are eaten, cyanogenic acid produces a highly toxic substance called cyanide in the body. Hydrocyanic acid controls the activity of many enzymes in the cell and prevents and destroys the oxygen respiration of cells. This leads to livestock poisoning. The main symptoms are: increased heart rate, runny vomiting, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, and if not treated, it will often result in death. After the livestock eats fresh sorghum and corn seedlings poisoned, the first aid and treatment are: first use 1% potassium permanganate gastric lavage, then windproof 200 grams, 200 grams of licorice, green beans 250 grams, 250 grams of sugar, drowning Gavage or Beverage, or intravenous injection with 5% sodium nitrite 50 ml and 5% glucose 500 ml. If pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals are poisoned lightly, they can be detoxified usually after 24 hours of first aid treatment. If the poisoning is severe, they should be repeated several times after the first dose, until they are cured. In order to prevent livestock from eating high sorghum and corn seedling poisoning, it is necessary to strengthen the management of free-range livestock while not directly feeding fresh sorghum and corn seedlings to livestock such as pigs, cattle and sheep. If you want to use fresh sorghum and corn seedlings as green fodder, you need to chop it first and chop it for 30 days until it is fermented and then feed. When you feed, mix it in small amounts with other feeds and mix well. Do not feed too much at a time. . China Agricultural Network Editor

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