July grape disease prevention and pest control use three times medicine

In July, the grape enters the hard nucleus of berry until the color change period. The major pests and diseases at this stage include powdery mildew, anthrax, white rot, downy mildew, leafhopper, scale insect and chafer. The recent weather is hot and rainy, which is conducive to the occurrence and spread of diseases. Although grapes are processed on large areas for bagging treatment, it has played a preventive role in reducing pests and diseases, but it is still necessary to do a good job of chemical control to ensure high quality and high yield of grapes.

According to the characteristics of climate and grape diseases and pests in the recent period, we should focus on preventing leaf diseases and fruit diseases, and treat pests at the same time. Stick to the use of 3 drugs, and treat it once every 10 days depending on the weather conditions. Prevention and treatment of diseases, the first available will be green 2 33.5% quinoline copper suspension (1500 times liquid) plus 50% carbendazim WP (500 times liquid) or necessary 80% Bordeaux WP 400-500 Double liquid spray; Second use of Baitai 60% oxazoline sorbin water dispersible granules (1500 times solution) plus Fuxing 40% fluosilazole EC (8000 times solution), or Kebo 78% Boro Manganese Zinc Wet powder (400-500 times solution) plus Amisida 25% azoxystrobin suspension (1500 times solution) spray; The third time we spray 80% Mancozeb wettable powder (500 times solution) plus 70 % thiophanate-methyl wettable powder (700 times liquid) spray. Control pests, add pesticides depending on the occurrence of pests in the field at each application, and choose to use annihilation of 10% beta-cypermethrin ECG 3000 times, Zunkui 2.5% methylamino avermectin benzoate dispersible granules 1500 times , Extermination Ling 0.6% avermectin EC 1500 times and so on. Pay attention to control drug concentration, alternate rotation of drug, grape withdrawal 10-15 days before harvest.