Color long-haired rabbit breeding and feeding technology

The colored long-haired rabbit is a rare breed in the family of long-haired rabbits. It has more than ten colors such as black, reddish-brown, yellow, beige, gray, and blue-purple. It is named because it has different coat colors. Its rabbit hair texture is soft, hairy tussock natural, coarse hair 8 ~ 13 cm, fine hair 5.5 ~ 9 cm, fineness of 12 ~ 15 microns. In the industry, it is called "soft gold" and belongs to pure natural color special fiber. Its woolen fabric feels soft and delicate, smooth and comfortable, high hygroscopicity, strong air permeability, warmth is several times stronger than wool, and the textile products of color rabbit fur meet the requirements and desires of human beings to return to nature. Colored long-haired rabbits have a fast growth, a short mature time, a high survival rate, easy feeding, and high economic efficiency, and are excellent choices for getting rich.
First, the physiological characteristics of colored long-haired rabbits Chinese colored long-haired rabbit, originally an Angora long-haired rabbit transgenic strains, was introduced in the late 1980s China's California Institute of Zoology, after more than 10 years of domestication and livestock experts Breeding and purifying new varieties of natural colored rabbits. Colored long-haired rabbits have a heat-resistant, cold-resistant and dry-like habit. Adult rabbits are suitable for growth at a temperature of 0-45°C and breeder rabbits have a reproduction temperature of 5-30°C. Adult rabbits have thick necks, large and flexible eyes, and auricles. It is large and upright, densely villous between the toes, strong in limbs, wide in thoracodorsal distance, wide in length and full in hips. Color rabbit coat, darker back, body coat color, lighter belly color; weight up to 3 to 4 kg. The colored long-haired rabbit is a monogastric herbivore. The stomach has a large volume and can continuously accept a large number of low-nutrient forage grasses; the daily amount of food is 0.5 kg. It is generally fed with weeds, hay, vegetable leaves, etc., and supplemented with wheat bran, rice bran, corn, bean cake, and pelleted feed.
Second, the color of long-haired rabbits and heredity
1. Genetic characteristics: Stable genetic properties enable stable propagation of the characteristics of offspring to breeds, breeds and breeds. Therefore, when breeding offspring, select purebred parents for hybridization. The coat color of longhair rabbits is controlled by alleles A(a), B(b), C(c), and D(d), and they are located on different chromosomes. The A, B, C, and D genes are dominant for their respective a, b, c, and d alleles; different genotypes can be produced by crossing individuals of different strains and breeds, so that the posterior representations are now different (or the same The traits (ie coat color). For example: high-quality white long-haired rabbits and black short-haired rabbits crossed through multiple crosses, screenings, fixations, and enhancements, and the correspondingly stable varieties, namely black long-haired rabbits, were obtained. In addition, a variety of colored long-haired rabbits can be cultivated using DNA transgenic technology.
2. Breeding: 1 Introduction: Requirements are well-developed, physically strong, fine hairiness, uniform color, high wool yield, large individual, thick neck, wide thoracodorsal back, long waist, wide arm, eyeful eyes, big ear shells. Thoroughbred. Male rabbits must also have normal developing testes and strong mating abilities; female rabbits have a wide range of file size, docile sexuality, much calving, and developed breasts, which are thick and soft and have a large amount of milk. 2 Mating: 1 male rabbit can be equipped with 10 to 12 female rabbits, and 1 male rabbit can be assigned twice a day. Early spring should be prepared as early as possible to strive for the birth of spring-producing three-child high-quality puppies and the production is stopped at the latest in June. Because the baby is raised in spring, the survival rate is high, the weight gain is fast, and the illness is less. 3 Prenatal management: Female rabbits should be checked for pregnancy from 8 days to 10 days after mating, to check the activity of the female rabbit, the growth of the uterus, the growth of the fetus, and the development of the mammary gland; to provide full-priced nutrients to ensure the normal growth and development of the fetus. The implementation of a rabbit a cage system, in the pre-production 3 to 4 days should be placed in the litter box, for the female rabbits pull the wool to build a nest, the litter box should be cleaned and disinfected, provide adequate drinking water, and add some salt in the water to prevent miscarriage. The feed should be clean and fresh, and should not be fed with moldy feed or unclean drinking water. 4 Post-natal management: After the female rabbits are farrowed, the nest boxes should be cleared in time to remove contaminated grass bedding and dead pigs, and keep the cages clean and dry. The lactating female rabbits can secrete 60 to 150 milliliters of milk per day, up to 300 milliliters. In order to maintain life activities and lactating lactating rabbits, it consumes a large amount of nutrients every day, so the lactating female rabbits are fed full-priced nutrition and freshness. Feeds with high quality, good palatability, and easy to digest and absorb, and will continue to increase the amount of feed along with the growth and development of young rabbits, especially to provide adequate drinking water to meet the lactation needs of female rabbits. Such a female rabbit litter litter 6 to 9, only about 30 a year.
Third, the color long-haired rabbit culture
1, training: 1 build a rabbit house, rabbit house should choose high dry terrain, drainage, south-facing sun, ventilated and secluded land. Rabbit cages should adopt a semi-open type cage with a width of 70 cm, a depth of 80 cm and a height of 50 cm. The material of the cage bottom should be smooth and soft, and it should be mainly fed with multi-layer cages.
2 Feeding: Colored long-haired rabbits need to be quiet and light, but they should not be exposed to sunlight. Its main feed is mainly green feed, such as lettuce, sweet potato, radish, etc., and spring feeding is limited because the green feed absorbs too much at a time. It will damage the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea. In the cold winter months, rabbits do not love activities, lack of green feed, can not meet the nutritional needs of color rabbits. Therefore, the winter feed concentrate feed is about 30% more than other seasons, and at the same time, it is appropriate to feed some vitamin-rich green and juicy feeds such as carrots, leaves, and radish to supplement vitamins. According to the rabbit's habit of nocturnal feeding, feeds are fed more in the evening than in the daytime, so that “early feeding should be early, night feeding should be sufficient, and night grass should be added”. 3 Attention to hygiene management: Color rabbits have a habit of hi clean and love dryness, require the most appropriate relative humidity of 60%, daily cleaning of feces and urine, cages and utensils, food troughs, sinks, crates, etc. Disinfect regularly. In order to keep warm in the winter, the rabbit house has increased hermeticity and there are many harmful gases. Therefore, sunny days should open doors and windows for ventilation and ventilation.
2. Prevention of diseases: sudden changes in temperature can easily cause rabbit colds, rhinitis, diarrhea, etc. Although the rabbit disease is generally rare in winter, it should not be overlooked. Don't let pathogens be exploited, especially rabbits, coccidiosis and Diseases such as rickets should be promptly fed with preventive drugs and early vaccination against hemorrhagic septicemia and rabbit palsy.
3, picking hair: color long-haired rabbit is mainly based on a variety of cashmere, adult colored long-haired rabbits in the summer can be cut once every two months, every three months in the winter can be cut once, that is to say At least 4 to 5 times a year, each time 2 to 8 two plush. Hair removal and hair removal can be used to stimulate the metabolic function of colored rabbit skin, improve blood circulation, promote hair follicle development, increase rabbit hair growth rate and rabbit hair quality.

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