Oil crop storage technology

(1) Common features of oil crop storage. Oil crops contain large amounts of fat, typically between 40% and 50%, with the least being around 20%. The fat contained is mostly composed of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, under the conditions of high temperature and high humidity, due to the influence of enzymes, oxygen, and light, heat, mildew, immersion oil, and rancidity are easily caused, resulting in a decrease in the germination rate, a decrease in the oil yield, and a hazel taste. The fat in the oil is a hydrophobic substance, and the moisture in the grain concentrates in the non-fat portion, which makes the non-fat portion have a high water content. When the moisture content of the non-fat portion does not exceed 14% to 15%, its respiration tends to be stable. (2) Storage of oil crops. All kinds of oil crops are mainly stored at low temperature and dry. The key is to reduce the moisture content and keep it within the safe moisture range. The safe moisture content of the oil can be calculated using the following formula: Safe moisture = (100 - oil content) 14%. The safe moisture content of several oil crops is as follows: Some oil crops have post-harvest phenomenon after harvest, and their physiological activities are very strong. After storage, the internal moisture of the grain piles is easy to accumulate, and when the temperature drops, condensation or moisture is likely to increase. It should be strengthened. Ventilation, timely dissemination of damp heat, prevent heat and mildew. China Agricultural Network Editor