How to Prevent Pests and Diseases in Strawberry in Greenhouse

Leaf spot disease, also known as snake eye disease, mainly affects the leaves, petioles, fruit stems, tender stems and seeds. Formed on the leaves dark purple squatting point, expanded to form a near-round or oval lesions, the edge of purple-brown, gray center, with a slight round, so that the entire lesion was snake-like, no black spots formed on the lesion. Control measures: timely removal of diseased leaves and old leaves. At the beginning of the disease, 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder was used 500 to 700 times. After 10 days, it was sprayed again, or 70% mancozeb WP was used to spray 75 kg of water per 667 square meters. Powdery mildew mainly damages the leaves and also affects flowers, fruits, fruit stems and petioles. The leaf rolls are spoon-shaped. Flower buds and petals are purple-red and cannot flower or bloom completely. The fruit does not swell and is elongated; the young fruit loses its luster and hardens. In the near-maturity period, the damage to the commodity will be lost if the strawberry is damaged. Prevention and control measures: In the center of the onset of the disease and around it, the key spray Baume 0.3 degree lime sulfur agent. After harvesting, the entire park cut leaves and sprayed with 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold solution or 50% bacteriocin-specific 800-fold solution and 30% cypermethrin 5000-fold solution. Botrytis cinerea is the main disease after flowering, and it can be affected by flowers, petals, fruits and leaves. In the fruits of the enlargement period, brown spots were generated and gradually enlarged. The dense gray mold caused the fruits to soften, spoil, and seriously affect the yield. Prevention and control measures: Prevent and control from the bud to the flowering stage, use 25% carbendazim WP 300 times, 50% Kedan WP 800 times, 50% acetaminophen 500 times ~ 700 times, etc. . Root rot begins with the lower leaves, and the leaf margins turn red-brown and gradually wither upward until it dies. The pillars began to turn black and corrupt in the middle, and the central pillar of the root was red. Prevention and control measures: Before transplanting strawberry, use 40% asparagus blue powder 600 times liquid, pour in the flour surface, then cover the soil, and translate the plant to effectively kill pathogens in the soil, reduce the number of field bacteria source, and reduce the chance of infection. Verticillium wilt This disease is a soil disease. The main symptom is the deformity of young leaves, the leaves turn yellow, and the surface of the leaves is extremely rough. The leaf margin then fades brown inwards until dead. Prevention and control measures: strict introduction of disease-free planting; shorten the update period; use chloropicrin 13.5 liters to 20 liters for soil disinfection; already onset must be removed and burned. The locust is harmful to the strawberry because it absorbs the juice and causes the fruit to be prevented from growing. At the same time, the locust emits nectar and leaves the leaves and fruit contaminated. In addition, locusts are also vectors for transmitting viruses. Prevention measures: timely removal of old leaves, clean up the fields, eliminate weeds. Before spraying, 50% of the spray was sprayed with 2,000 times liquid fog for a total of 1 to 2 sprays. Red spiders are mainly spider mites and yellow spiders, especially red spiders. When the leaves were initially damaged, a small grayish white spot appeared, and then gradually expanded, so that the whole leaf was covered with white patterns, yellowed and curled, and the plants were dwarfed and withered, which seriously affected the growth. Control measures: When the inflorescence appears early, it can be sprayed with 0.3-degree lime sulfur and sprayed once every seven days. Before harvesting the fruit, the 20% synergic phytosterol 5,000-fold to 8000-times liquid with low remnant toxicity was sprayed twice, with intervals of five days. Note that pesticides are banned two weeks before fruit picking.


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