Focus on white-collar nutrition and health

It is a well-known fact that people use food as a heaven. However, the intense work rhythm and complicated affairs make the white-collar workers only “slaplessly deal with it” during normal eating time. This will continue for a long time, the heat and nutrients in the food can not meet the metabolic needs of the body. A healthy adult needs at least 1,500 calories a day. The best way to get so much calories is to take a skimmed milk or cereal and eat a few slices of bread every 2-3 hours outside of three meals a day.

If you want to sleep more for a while, you will not have time for breakfast. This is a problem that many white-collar workers feel is difficult. How do you take time out of breakfast to relax? Here are two convenient breakfasts. One is the best Western-style breakfast: milk + bread + multivitamin (or fruit); one is the best Chinese breakfast: soy milk + eggs. Chinese breakfast is especially suitable for women. Because of the phytoestrogen contained in soymilk, it can regulate the female endocrine system, improve mental state, and delay skin aging. Eggs are a natural supplement that eats 1-2 a day and can supplement the body's large amounts of protein.

People must determine how to eat according to their physical condition, emotions, working conditions, etc. For example: When you feel tired, you should not eat chicken, fish, meat, eggs, etc. Because of fatigue, acidic substances in the human body accumulate, and the above foods are acidic, making the blood acidic and aggravating fatigue. On the contrary, alkaline foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and soy products can make the body's acid-base balance. People with mental stress can eat 3-5 fresh dates to supplement enough vitamin C. A grumpy person can eat dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese, as well as foods rich in calcium such as dried fish and bone soup. People who work as texts or who often use computers are easily fatigued or even fall. Eating three carrots per week has a certain effect on preventing vision loss. ,